WHITE HOUSE A White House report says teenage girls are more likely to abuse prescription drugs than teenage boys.
The White House Office of National Drug Control Policy says almost one in ten teenage girls reported using a prescription drug at least once in the past year to get high. Typically, they abuse antidepressants and tranquilizers.
Among teenage boys, the rate was about one out of 13. Teenage boys are much more likely to use illicit drugs like marijuana and cocaine.
Federal officials think the abuse of prescription drugs by teenage girls may be related to the unique pressures they face. They often use them to increase confidence, reduce tension, or lose weight. (But that in no way will reduce our efforts to incarcerate them.)
Men typically abuse drugs and alcohol for the sensation. (Men face no unique pressures.) (Men don't want to increase confidence, reduce tension or lose weight.)
Monday, April 30, 2007
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Jane Says
This song has been playing in my head the last few days thought this might get it out, or make it worse, at least it's a song I like.
Busou Renkin 26
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Tokiko Fights papillon in Kazuki. During battle, They discover a flask with a White Kakugane Papilon created. The immense light for Kazuki's Sunlight Heart revealed that he was still alive. They blast off in the Buster Baron to retrieve Kazuki, and captures victor. As soon as Kazuki returns to earth and is returned to his human form, Papillon and Kazuki fight to finish the feud, but Kazuki refuses to kill him. Victor is returned to his human form and requests to be turned into Homunculai to live on the Moon with his daughter, And all other Homunculus. Kazuki and Tokiko return to school and their friends. -by Megablueblaster
Busou Renkin 25
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The school semester and Alchemic Regiment activities continue on without Mutou Kazuki. Everyone closest to Kazuki try to go on with their daily activities except for Tokiko who has taken his departure the hardest. After her release from the hospital, Tokiko decides to help Kazuki by settling his duel with Papillon for him. With the help of Gouta, the Hayasaka siblings, and Angel Gozen, Tokiko finally meets up with Papillon to battle as Kazuki’s replacement. - by Killsquad
Busou Renkin 24
"When You Die, I Will Die Too"
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While everyone is preparing for the summer festival, Tokiko and Kazuki are called to join the fight against Victor after learning that the white Kakugane has been completed. General Shousei and his subordinates unite to fight against Victor who has finally entered into the third stage. Kazuki, with a plan of his own, and Tokiko combine their strength to enter the white Kakugane into Victor’s chest (the same location where the black Kakugane is located). Unfortunately, the plan fails to return Victor into a human, and Kazuki turns to his other plan: to finish the battle between him and Victor on the moon. - by Killsquad
Busou Renkin 23
"Boy Meets Battle Girl"
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A new school year has begun for the students at Ginsei High, and Kazuki and Tokiko await the arrival of their friends at the school gates. The first school day ends early, and the group decides to head to an amusement park to have fun. After they leave the park, Kazuki departs from the group to head home while the rest of the gang decides to have a karaoke after-party. Tokiko finds Kazuki on the rooftop of the building where she first gave him the black Kakugane, and he tells her that he has made a decision on who should receive the white Kakugane. Meanwhile, General Shousei has ordered all of his units to assist him in his ongoing battle with Victor I. - by Killsquad
Busou Renkin 22
"A Vital Decision"
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Operation Victor Expedition begins and all warriors are stationed to fight using their Arms Alchemy. Two teams are created to defeat Victor I: one on air and sea and one on land. After missile launchers fail to do damage to Victor I, the team on land begin to combine their Arms Alchemy to fight him. However, the team fails to cause damage to him as well. General Soushei decides to fight Victor one-on-one while the team on land is retrieved. Meanwhile, Tokiko, Gouta, and Kazuki (a.k.a. Victor III) reach Newton Apple Girl’s Academy and finds Koushaku Chouno there waiting for them. The group unexpectedly finds a homunculus waiting for them and follows it to an opening that will lead them to a place where the only thing that can stop a black Kakugane is being created. There, the group learns that the creation can only be used to reverse one black Kakugane. Kazuki is now faced with the decision of either humanizing himself or his opponent. -by Killsquad
Busou Renkin 21
"Gone Into Flame"
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Commander Hiwatari appears before Tokiko, Gouta, Kazuki, and Commander Sakimori and tries to finish Operation Re-Kill. However, Commander Sakimori volunteers himself as Hitawari’s opponent to allow the other three to run to Newton Apple Girl’s Academy. Hiwatari prevents this strategy, however, by trying to engulf the three students in flames. He believes that Sakimori is safe within his Silver Skin, but he learns that Sakimori sacrificed himself by protecting the three children with his Silver Skin leaving him defenseless. Kazuki tries to defeat Hiwatari himself, but is stopped by General Shousei. The General reveals to them that all missions have been suspended and that all his subordinates are required to be in Operation Victor Expedition for the final battle. Meanwhile, the team responsible for monitoring Victor I is unexpectedly engated in battle with Victor who intends to kill them. -by Killsquad
Busou Renkin 20
"With Mind and Power"
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Mutou Kazuki begins battling Commander Sakimori. Tokiki and Gouta manage to find the two and try to prevent the fight from continuing. However, the Commander does not intend to stop. Instead, he informs them of his goals: to kill Kazuki, to defeat Victor, and to kill his own subordinates (Tokiko and Gouta). Upon hearing this, Kazuki becomes enraged and focuses on his mind and power to defeat the Commander. At the end of the battle, Commander Sakimori allows them to continue heading to Newton Apple Girl’s Academy. However, they are stopped by Commander Hiwatari whose intention is to kill them. -by Killsquad
Busou Renkin 19
"If Only You Can Protect"
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Tokiko and Gouta become separated from Kazuki after Commander Hiwatari tries to kill all three with a fire move. Tokiko and Gouta are then challenged to a fight with Negoro who plans to kill them and take their Kakuganes. Meanwhile, Koushaku Chouno reveals the secret of his opponent’s arms alchemy and learns where Tokiko, Gouta, and Kazuki plan to go to learn how to prevent the Black Kakugane from making Kazuki a monster. Far from the three, Kazuki is alone and on his path meets the person whose mission is to re-kill him…Commander Sakimori. -by Killsquad
Busou Renkin 18
"The Escape"
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Busou Renkin 17
"When the Night Ends"
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Kazuki is tossed into after losing a duel to Bravo's Silver Skin. Tokiko tries to go after him but is held back by her companion. But is Kazuki really dead? - by anon
Busou Renkin 16
"New Power"
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After a time of relaxation Kazuki wishes to train again with Bravo. Bravo agrees and tells him to meet him at midnight. Meanwhile Tokiko goes to meet the strange surfer from the morning to discover a shocking truth! - by Kentenko
Busou Renkin 15
"Interim Existence"
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Already battling death and winning! Kazuki finds that his new battle is between two enemies. His new enemies are life and immortality! -by Korey
Busou Renkin 14
"Who Are You?"
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Kazuki and Tokiko rush to the rooftop of Ginsei High to stop Dr. Butterfly's friend from draining the students of energy. Kazuki opts to take a shortcut by cutting through each floor with his lance. He is able to pierce the vial that holds Dr. Butterfly's friend along the way. However, by doing so, he awakens Dr. Butterfly's friend. Kazuki finally meets the "third kind" (one that is neither humonculus nor alchemic warrior) and begins a battle with him. Previous to their meeting, Koushaku Chouno manages to do great damage to his great-great-grandfather (Dr. Butterfly) and learns the history of Dr. Butterfly's relationship with his awakened friend, Victor. - by anon
Friday, April 27, 2007
Busou Renkin 13
"Signs Of Death"
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Busou Renkin 12
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Busou Renkin 11
"'Til Death Do Us Part"
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Busou Renkin 10
"You and I Get Along Pretty Well"
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Tokiko and Kazuki begin battling the Hayasaka siblings (Shuusui and Oka). During their battle, they reveal to Tokiko and Kazuki their wish.
Busou Renkin 9
"The Hayasaka Siblings"
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Busou Renkin 8
"Night In the School Dormitory"
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Busou Renkin 7
"If You Suspect Yourself of Hypocrisy"
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While in doubt about being a hypocrite, Matou Kazuki is offered the chance to become an alchemic warrior by Tokiko’s leader – Commander. After their meeting, Kazuki unexpectedly learns that Tokiko is going to be a new student in his class. In addition to that, the Commander has set himself up as the new supervisor of the dormitories. Meanwhile, Koushaku Chouno is brought back to life by his great-great-grandfather and is offered the chance to work with the Alliance of the Extraordinary Chosen Ones, L.X.E (an organization composed of human-type homunculi). Chouno decides to meet Kazuki and declares war. After Chou’s departure, Kazuki, Tokiko, and Commander find themselves battling a human-type homunculus from the L.X.E. – Kinjou.
Busou Renkin 6
"Butterfly of Black Death"
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After defeating Washio, Tokiko and Kazuki return to the dormitories. Kazuki decides to immediately go after Chouno Koushaku to find the antidote before Tokiko turns into a Homunculus. Kazuki searches Chouno's family home first and learns that Chouno's family had deserted him long ago and have decided that his younger brother, Jirou, will become the successor to the Chouno line. Kazuki, upon the advice of Tokiko, finds Chuono at his great-great-grandfather's alchemy research facility. Unaware to Kazuki, Jirou had followed him. Jirou manages to break the vial carrying the unfinished Homunculus matter, but his efforts to stop Chuoro from returning stronger fails. Chuoro manages to become one with the matter and turns into a superhuman. After eating Jirou and his guards, Chuono escapes. Kazuki goes after Chuono and finds himself in battle using two Kakuganes and little time left to find the antidote to save Tokiko.
Busou Renkin 5
"For the Sake of the Person Who Must Be Protected"
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Busou Renkin 4
"Another New Life"
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Busou Renkin 3
"You Became A Little Stronger"
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After finding out that the Pavillon Mask Creator is a third-year student at Kazuki’s school, Tokiko and Kazuki decide to find him by searching Kazuki’s school. Meanwhile, the Pavillon Mask Creator creates a final experiment. In addition to their search, Kazuki decides to secretly train himself every night in order to master the Arms Alchemy freely. Four days have passed in their search, and Tokiko is closer to becoming a Homunculus herself. On his way home, Kazuki finds himself battling one of the last 3 Homunculus created by the Pavillon Mask Creator. After hearing that Kazuki did not return to his dormitory, Tokiko frantically searches throughout the city for Kazuki and finds herself in her own battle with another Homunculus. - by anon
Busou Renkin 2
"The True Form of the Homunculus"
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Busou Renkin 1
"A New Life"
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Kazuki Muto a high-school student wakes up from a nightmare in which he tries to save a young girl from a giant serpent like monster but in the process gets killed himself.
Later while weeding the back garden of his school he comes into contact with the mosnter again as well as the from his dream and he remebers all that happened last night which he at first thought was a dream. - by ozair
Later while weeding the back garden of his school he comes into contact with the mosnter again as well as the from his dream and he remebers all that happened last night which he at first thought was a dream. - by ozair
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Naruto Shippuuden 11
"The Medical Ninja's Pupil"
Using the skills she learned from Tsunade, Sakura is able to heal Kankuro and create an antidote for Sasori's poison. After Kankuro awakens, he gives Kakashi a piece of cloth from Sasori's outfit, allowing Kakashi's Ninken to track the Akatsuki member.
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Using the skills she learned from Tsunade, Sakura is able to heal Kankuro and create an antidote for Sasori's poison. After Kankuro awakens, he gives Kakashi a piece of cloth from Sasori's outfit, allowing Kakashi's Ninken to track the Akatsuki member.
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Bleach 123
"Ichigo, complete hollowification!?"
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With her hollow mask, Hiyori is more than a match for Ichigo. She continues to goad him into using his hollow mask or final release, neither of which Ichigo is willing to do. In spite of that, Ichigo's inner hollow surfaces and nearly kills Hiyori before the other vizard step in. After some seemingly pointless exercise, Ichigo demands they tell him the secret to controlling his hollow. Shinji explains that Ichigo must force his hollow into the core of his soul, then knocks Ichigo out. While Ichigo battles his hollow in his inner world, Ichigo's hollow self emerges in the real world, where the vizard begin taking turns battling it.
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With her hollow mask, Hiyori is more than a match for Ichigo. She continues to goad him into using his hollow mask or final release, neither of which Ichigo is willing to do. In spite of that, Ichigo's inner hollow surfaces and nearly kills Hiyori before the other vizard step in. After some seemingly pointless exercise, Ichigo demands they tell him the secret to controlling his hollow. Shinji explains that Ichigo must force his hollow into the core of his soul, then knocks Ichigo out. While Ichigo battles his hollow in his inner world, Ichigo's hollow self emerges in the real world, where the vizard begin taking turns battling it.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Final Destination
WAYNOKA, Okla. The Oklahoma Highway Patrol says a Waynoka woman who crashed her car in Woods County then laid down in the roadway and was hit and killed by a semi.
Troopers say Wanda Mendoza drove off U-S Highway 281 south of Waynoka and crashed in the Cimarron River bed about 10:15 last night.Mendoza then apparently walked away from the wreckage and laid down in the southbound lane of the highway where she was hit by the semi.The driver of the semi did not stop.
Troopers say Wanda Mendoza drove off U-S Highway 281 south of Waynoka and crashed in the Cimarron River bed about 10:15 last night.Mendoza then apparently walked away from the wreckage and laid down in the southbound lane of the highway where she was hit by the semi.The driver of the semi did not stop.
Death Note 28
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Near contacts Light and both agree to cooperate in order to rescue Sayu.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Moon Juice
One Cheetos Frilly Pie Please!
Ever had a Cheetos frilly pie? Me neither but I ordered one yesterday. The girl I ordered it from thought it was funny, I was torn between laughing at myself and concern for the shrinking number of brain cells that I have to work with. Of Course I meant to order a Frito's chili pie but had to settle for a Frito's chili wrap. It just wasn't the same, all the cheese ran to the bottom. And in the cheese at the bottom was a HUMAN FINGER! It was mine! It kind of poked through the soggy bottom of the paper. Speaking of Soggy Bottoms...
Monday, April 23, 2007
Boomtown Rats "I don't Like Mondays" (1979)
On 29 January 1979, 16-year-old Brenda Ann Spencer opened fire on children arriving at Cleveland Elementary School in San Diego from her house across the street, killing two men and wounding eight students and a police officer. Principal Burton Wragg was attempting to rescue children in the line of fire when he was shot and killed, and custodian Mike Suchar was slain attempting to aid Wragg.
Spencer used a rifle her father had given her as a gift. As to what impelled her into this form of murderous madness, she told a reporter,''I don't like Mondays. This livens up the day.''
The "Mondays" comment was not the only eyebrow-raising declaration to issue from Spencer that day. According to a report written by the police negotiators who spoke with her during the six-hour standoff, she made such comments to them as ''There was no reason for it, and it was just a lot of fun''; ''It was just like shooting ducks in a pond''; and ''[the children ] looked like a herd of cows standing around, it was really easy pickings.''
That Spencer failed to kill any of the children she shot at was attributable to luck rather than any reluctance on her part to take their lives. The bullet that struck 9-year-old Charles "Cam" Miller missed his heart by about an inch.
Spencer pled guilty to two counts of murder and assault with a deadly weapon and was sentenced to 25 years to life in prison. She has been up for parole four times and has been turned down each time, the last in 2005. At her first parole hearing she expressed doubt that any of the victims were hit by bullets from her rifle and contended they might have been shot by police. She also claimed to have been under the influence of alcohol and hallucinogenic drugs at the time of the shootings and asserted prosecutors and her attorney had conspired to fabricate test evidence showing there had been no drugs in her system. By her third parole hearing she was admitting guilt and expressing remorse but was still contending she had been drunk and high on marijuana laced with PCP the day of her deadly rampage. She also claimed something new, that she had been beaten and sexually abused by her father, an avowal conspicuously absent from previous records.
She is eligible to again apply for parole in 2009. Those who continue to be troubled by the callousness of Brenda Spencer's crime and concerned by her continued attempts to shift blame for her actions onto anyone or anything else can draw comfort from the knowledge that murderers are rarely granted parole in California.
One Piece 306
"A Phantom Mermaid is Here? Within Fading Consciousness"
Kokoro is revealed to be a mermaid. Meanwhile, Franky pulls Robin to her senses as she struggles to forget the trauma of Ohara's Buster Call. The two giants break out with the Franky Family and Galley-La, only to be confronted by three Marine ships.
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Kokoro is revealed to be a mermaid. Meanwhile, Franky pulls Robin to her senses as she struggles to forget the trauma of Ohara's Buster Call. The two giants break out with the Franky Family and Galley-La, only to be confronted by three Marine ships.
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Dumb Laws in Oklahoma
One may not promote a "horse tripping event".
It is illegal for the owner of a bar to allow anyone inside to pretend to have sex with a buffalo. (The word PRETEND is a giant loophole in this law.)
Females are forbidden from doing their own hair without being licensed by the state.
Dogs must have a permit signed by the mayor in order to congregate in groups of three or more on private property.
Oklahoma will not tolerate anyone taking a bite out of another's hamburger.
It is against the law to read a comic book while operating a motor vehicle.
Whaling is illegal. (I guess this law was passed too late, there are no longer any whales in Oklahoma.)
It is illegal to have the hind legs of farm animals in your boots. (They made a movie about this, "The man who loved Sheep Dancing")
Residents are taxed for the furniture in their homes, and any other personal belongings. (Not that I know of.)
People who make "ugly faces" at dogs may be fined and/or jailed. (They almost got me for this law but I finaly convinced them that I look like this all of the time!)
Cars must be tethered outside of public buildings.
Oral sex is a misdemeanor and is punisable by one year in jail and a $2,500 fine.(Always check Federal, State and Local laws before sex.)
Anyone arrested for soliciting a hooker must have their name and picture shown on television. (My 15 minutes of fame.)
It's statutory rape for a man over 18 to have sex with a female under the age of 18, provided she's a virgin.
Tattoos are banned. (Not any more, Oklahoma, leading the way! 50th state to legalize tatooing.)
No one may spit on a sidewalk.
It is illegal to wear your boots to bed.
It is illegal to have sex before you are married.
Fish may not be contained in fishbowls while on a public bus.
A sixpack of beer must be put in a sack before it leaves the store but a twelve pack does not have to be. (Not sure about eightpacks, kind of a gray area.)
Tissues are not to be found in the back of one's car.
It is illegal for the owner of a bar to allow anyone inside to pretend to have sex with a buffalo. (The word PRETEND is a giant loophole in this law.)
Females are forbidden from doing their own hair without being licensed by the state.
Dogs must have a permit signed by the mayor in order to congregate in groups of three or more on private property.
Oklahoma will not tolerate anyone taking a bite out of another's hamburger.
It is against the law to read a comic book while operating a motor vehicle.
Whaling is illegal. (I guess this law was passed too late, there are no longer any whales in Oklahoma.)
It is illegal to have the hind legs of farm animals in your boots. (They made a movie about this, "The man who loved Sheep Dancing")
Residents are taxed for the furniture in their homes, and any other personal belongings. (Not that I know of.)
People who make "ugly faces" at dogs may be fined and/or jailed. (They almost got me for this law but I finaly convinced them that I look like this all of the time!)
Cars must be tethered outside of public buildings.
Oral sex is a misdemeanor and is punisable by one year in jail and a $2,500 fine.(Always check Federal, State and Local laws before sex.)
Anyone arrested for soliciting a hooker must have their name and picture shown on television. (My 15 minutes of fame.)
It's statutory rape for a man over 18 to have sex with a female under the age of 18, provided she's a virgin.
Tattoos are banned. (Not any more, Oklahoma, leading the way! 50th state to legalize tatooing.)
No one may spit on a sidewalk.
It is illegal to wear your boots to bed.
It is illegal to have sex before you are married.
Fish may not be contained in fishbowls while on a public bus.
A sixpack of beer must be put in a sack before it leaves the store but a twelve pack does not have to be. (Not sure about eightpacks, kind of a gray area.)
Tissues are not to be found in the back of one's car.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
About Hell Girl - Jigoku Shōjo Futakomori
This is for those horror loving freaks out there. Yes, you are FREAKS! :p Personally, I hate horror movies, especially when the evil character is a little kid. It just gives me the creep. But my girlfriend loves it and so do other "psychos" who are actually looking forward for this series.
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Each short story of which the series consists describes the suffering of a different individual caused by one or more antagonists. A website known as Jigoku Tsūshin may only be accessed at midnight by one who harbors a desire for revenge against their tormenter. Should someone submit the name of one they hate, the Jigoku Shōjo (Hell Girl) will offer them a black straw doll with a red string wound about its neck. If the string is pulled, she will ferry the recipient of the revenge straightaway to Hell, but on the condition that those who request her intervention fall into Hell as well at the end of their natural lives.
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Each short story of which the series consists describes the suffering of a different individual caused by one or more antagonists. A website known as Jigoku Tsūshin may only be accessed at midnight by one who harbors a desire for revenge against their tormenter. Should someone submit the name of one they hate, the Jigoku Shōjo (Hell Girl) will offer them a black straw doll with a red string wound about its neck. If the string is pulled, she will ferry the recipient of the revenge straightaway to Hell, but on the condition that those who request her intervention fall into Hell as well at the end of their natural lives.
Go to Hell Girl videos.
Kekkaishi 17
"That is God's Territory"
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Yoshi must assist the land god, Uro-sama, entering his god realm, where many have not returned alive.
Kekkaishi 16
"Uro-sama of the Colorless Swamps"
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A mysterius figure whose name is Uro-sama appears in Karakura school. It appears that he is a god of the land. Yoshimori wanting to know more of the lands history agrees to
fix Uro-Sama's bed. -Alcair
fix Uro-Sama's bed. -Alcair
Kekkaishi 15
"Yoshimori's Ambition"
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Yoshi shows his strength and determination fighting his own way to protect yokine, Yoshi makes a proclamation to investigate karasamuri's true secret.
Kekkaishi 14
"Masamori's Plot"
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To see the true power of Yoshimori, his brother Masomori sets a rare plant type ayakashi in the court of Karasumori. -by lorDy
Kekkaishi 13
"Appearance of Masamori, Captain of the Yagyou"
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Moshimori, Yoshi's elder brother returns home and saves him from a stinky situation.
Kekkaishi 12
"Demon Dog Madarao's Sealing"
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The fight ends. Madarao defeats Kouya. but theirs still one problem Yoshi has to reseal madarao's spirit but does he have enough power to acomplish the task of a hundred men? - by anon
Kekkaishi 11
"Kouya and Madarao"
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The seal is broken, Yoshi breaks Madarao's seal unleashing his true form. Madarao battles an enemy from the past. Will he survive?
Claymore 4
"Clare's Awakening"
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The first encounter with the Voracious Eater left Clare wounded and out for two days. When she awakens the search for the Yoma continues as the search is reduced to those inside the walls of the Holy City´s Cathedral. Unfortunately the devil is in the details. - by Julio Carlos
D.Gray-man 29
"The Person Who Sells Soul (Part 1)"
Part 1 of The Person Who Sells Soul Arc. Allen and Lenalee arrive at Liverpool to meet Mother, who took care of Allen during his training years, to ask her about his master's whereabouts.
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Part 1 of The Person Who Sells Soul Arc. Allen and Lenalee arrive at Liverpool to meet Mother, who took care of Allen during his training years, to ask her about his master's whereabouts.
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Hell Girl 26
"Indigo Eye"
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Hell Girl 25
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Hell Girl 24
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Hell Girl 23
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Hell Girl 22
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Hell Girl 21
"Soft Paper Balloon"
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Hell Girl 20
"A Maiden's Album"
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Hell Girl 19
"Steam Hell, Inn on a Journey"
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Hell Girl 18
"That Person's Memories"
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Hell Girl 17
"Silent Glance"
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Hell Girl 16
"Aspirations Of A Wicked Woman"
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Hell Girl 15
"For This Country"
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Hell Girl 14
"The Calm Lake Shore"
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Kekkaishi 10
"Shikigami Chocolate Battle"
Yoshimari's dream of making a cake castle for Tokine is shattered when he thinks she hates his cooking. So when his father tells him about a dream cake he leaps at the chance. However things don't go quite as planned.
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Yoshimari's dream of making a cake castle for Tokine is shattered when he thinks she hates his cooking. So when his father tells him about a dream cake he leaps at the chance. However things don't go quite as planned.
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Kekkaishi 9
"Dangerous High School Teacher"
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There is a suspicious new substitute teacher all the girls love, and student are having weird fainting spells. is the teacher responsible or is it something more sinister. - by anon
Kekkaishi 8
"Yoshimori-like Days"
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Yoshi, attemps to increase his barrier in order to become stronger in order to protect Yokine. - by anon
Kekkaishi 7
"The Best Cake"
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Yoshi and the spirit guide, are searching for a way to help the Passtier pass on to the other side. To do this the have to bake a cake for the Passtier's brother to fulfil an old memory.
Kekkaishi 6
"Karasumori's Night Cherry Blossoms"
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There is an intruder on the school grounds. Yoshi discovers Kanda can see ghosts. And strange monsters are attracted to the unseasonal cherry blossoms. - by anon
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Auto Insurance & Gun Rights?
WARNING: RATED RM-70 (Real Mature)- Must be 70 years old or older to view this video.
After viewing this video, the auto insurance industry has teamed up with gun rights advocates in an effort to reduce damage done by insane street people. The NRA estimates that damage to this car could have been reduced by $3000-$9000 had the driver been armed.
After viewing this video, the auto insurance industry has teamed up with gun rights advocates in an effort to reduce damage done by insane street people. The NRA estimates that damage to this car could have been reduced by $3000-$9000 had the driver been armed.
Darker than Black 3
"The New Star Twinkles in the Dawn Sky... (Part 1)"
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Hei meets Tahara, the sole survivor of the first expedition into Hell's Gate at his job and investigates him. Hei later helps his daughter Mai, when she is in trouble for shoplifting and staying out alone at night. Mai has a strained relation with her father, as he knows she is not normal. Hei hangs out with her for the night and the next morning they are attacked, when Kirihara is informed that a new star has appeared.
Darker than Black 2
"The Star of a Contract Fell... (Part 2)"
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Hei brings Chiaki back to her apartment but find that her room has been ransacked by the men who have been chasing her. Chikaki asks to stay in Hei's room for now, and then they go out to eat in a diner. Before long, the men after Chiaki appear and Hei and Chiaki try to run, but Hei gets injured. The next day, Hei has a run in with the Contractors and in the process it is revealed that Chiaki has been dead for some time and the woman he's been helping is a Doll. Hei ends up killing the three Contractors and Chiaki "dies" in the process.
Darker than Black 1
"The Star of a Contract Fell... (Part 1)"
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Hei, a powerful Contractor from the Organization under the alias Li Shunsheng, arrives in Tokyo to begin investigation of Hell's Gate which appeared ten years ago. He comes in contact with another Contractor known as Louis, and kills him after attempting to obtain information from him. Hei then meets a woman named Chiaki Shinoda who is connected with a number of other Contractors. Hei ends up saving her multiple times from said Contractors.
Hell Girl 13
"Tragedy of V"
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Hell Girl 12
"Black Furrow"
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Naruto the Movie 1
"Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow"
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The movie begins with a heroine previously unknown in the Naruto continuity: Princess Fuun. Fuun's nemesis, Mao, challenges her group with an army of undead soldiers. His dark intentions seem to prevail, that is, until Princess Fuun and her cohorts, Shishimaru, Brit, and Tsukuyaku, unleash the power of the Seven-Color-Chakra upon him. They save the day, and Naruto, watching from afar, couldn't be more elated.
As it turns out, Naruto is partially imagining the situation. He is actually watching the scene in a movie, as is the rest of Team 7. But then, the audience of the movie starts to throw objects at the team for making so much noise while arguing with the cinema manager. Kakashi had sent them to watch it as preparation for their next mission: guarding Fujikaze Yukie, the actor who plays Princess Fuun, while she makes the next movie in the Snow Country. As it turns out, Yukie is actually the princess of the Snow Country, which was taken over by rogue ninja when she was a child. The leader of the rogue ninja, Doto Kazahana, wants Yukie's crystal necklace to unlock the Snow Country's treasure, which Yukie's father had hidden before being assassinated. After various battles between Team 7 and the rogue ninja, resulting in the defeat of all and the death of Nadare their leader, Doto succeeds in obtaining Yukie's necklace, only to discover that the "treasure" of the Snow Country is a generator designed to melt the snow and bring Spring to the country. Doto is then defeated by Naruto in a manner reminicient of Princess Fuun's defeat of Mao.
With the rogue ninja all gone,Yukie becomes the princess of the Snow Country, which will eventually become the Spring Country after the technology behind the generator is perfected. Despite being a princess, Yukie intends to continue acting, and the next film she's starring in is an adaptation of one of Jiraiya's Icha Icha novels, much to Kakashi's surprise.
As it turns out, Naruto is partially imagining the situation. He is actually watching the scene in a movie, as is the rest of Team 7. But then, the audience of the movie starts to throw objects at the team for making so much noise while arguing with the cinema manager. Kakashi had sent them to watch it as preparation for their next mission: guarding Fujikaze Yukie, the actor who plays Princess Fuun, while she makes the next movie in the Snow Country. As it turns out, Yukie is actually the princess of the Snow Country, which was taken over by rogue ninja when she was a child. The leader of the rogue ninja, Doto Kazahana, wants Yukie's crystal necklace to unlock the Snow Country's treasure, which Yukie's father had hidden before being assassinated. After various battles between Team 7 and the rogue ninja, resulting in the defeat of all and the death of Nadare their leader, Doto succeeds in obtaining Yukie's necklace, only to discover that the "treasure" of the Snow Country is a generator designed to melt the snow and bring Spring to the country. Doto is then defeated by Naruto in a manner reminicient of Princess Fuun's defeat of Mao.
With the rogue ninja all gone,Yukie becomes the princess of the Snow Country, which will eventually become the Spring Country after the technology behind the generator is perfected. Despite being a princess, Yukie intends to continue acting, and the next film she's starring in is an adaptation of one of Jiraiya's Icha Icha novels, much to Kakashi's surprise.
Hell Girl 11
"The Distant Adjacent Room"
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Hell Girl 10
"Anna Sone's Wet Holiday"
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Hell Girl 9
"Elder Brother, Younger Sister"
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Hell Girl 8
"Fake Hell Communication"
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Hell Girl 7
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Hell Girl 6
"The Place Where the Sun Hits"
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Hell Girl 5
"Rampage to Hell"
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Hell Girl 4
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Hell Girl 3
"Beloved Kei-chan"
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Hell Girl 2
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Hell Girl 1
"The Girl Within the Darkness"
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We are presented with a girl who cannot be sent to hell. Her name is Enma Ai and she was thus entitled as "Jugoku Shoujo" or Hell Girl. This episode shows how Hell Girl carries out people's vengeance. Instead of a team of ghostbusters, we have a team of ghosts. For this first episode, we have a girl who was bullied by someone she placed her trust in...
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