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Raki is a young man who lives with his older brother in a peaceful settlement, until a Yoma begins to attack the village. Killing off numerous people, including Raki's parents, the village chief is forced to call in a Claymore, a half-human, half-Yoma woman who specializes in the slaughter of Yoma with her giant sword. Raki is fascinated by the Claymore, yet his interest is cut short as it is discovered that his older brother is actually the Yoma in disguise, who moves to kill Raki. However the Claymore shows up before the beast can strike, saving Raki from certain death and fulfilling her mission.
However, Raki is cast out of the village by the villagers, who now fear him due to his brother's revelation. Saved by Clare, the Claymore from earlier, from both the desert and yet another Yoma, the two set off together in their pursuit of Yoma, with Raki now tagging along as Clare's personal cook. - by akimichi23
However, Raki is cast out of the village by the villagers, who now fear him due to his brother's revelation. Saved by Clare, the Claymore from earlier, from both the desert and yet another Yoma, the two set off together in their pursuit of Yoma, with Raki now tagging along as Clare's personal cook. - by akimichi23
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