director: Rob Marshall
writers: Michael Tolkin, Anthony Minghella
starring: Daniel-Day Lewis, Nicole Kidman, Penelope Cruz, Judi Dench, Marion Cottilard, Kate Hudson
genre: Drama, Musical
Never been the biggest fan of musicals. It's always has been my least liked genre. So most of the times I tended to avoided them like the plague. In this case it was different. When I was 13 I had the chance in N.Y. to see it on Broadway, the theater production of Nine with Antonio Banderas back then. After I heard of the film adaption I was curious to compare it to my theater experience. Pleased to say, that for me it was a much better experience. Primary reason as much i don't care for musicals I also don't care that much for theater.

For those who dont know the background behind Nine.The film is based on the theatre production of Nine, that is based on the book of the same name, that is inspired from Federico Fellini's film 8 ½. The story is of famous director Guido Contini (Daniel-Day Lewis) and his lack of creativity to make a new film due to his love life. His problems all stem from the way he treats women and sees life. Throughout the story we get hints to what made him be this way and his eventual realization that without change, better days will not come.
My first experience with Nine didn't end well in N.Y.. I was disappointed by the Banderas, Bacall production. Now as a adult i understand why i didn't like it. Here in the film version, I loved how the film could go from one place to another. From Guido's fantasy's, to his past and then to the present. The great editing that punched up scenes. The dance sequence and songs that connected so well. Something a theater production couldn't do in the same way. Also the b&w to color in some sequences was also beautifully done. My point is that the theater offers too many limitations to my enjoyment. Instead film offers solutions. Plus i forgot to mention. The theater production was over 2 hours and a half. Here the film doesn't ever drag and omits a number of songs in the process, that were in the play.
Choosing Rob Marshall to direct this film was a no-brainier. He's already done two very good films and knows how to do a professional job. Ive already mentioned his use of editing, the capturing from many angles the scenes and his transition method of those scenes. All these methods make the film vibrant and alive. And when you get the guy who did Chicago, you know the talent that will come along with him. A standout crew that did a great job on the music, production, and not only. To the cast that acted greatly and made us believe in Guido Contini miserable life.

The only complaints that i can have from this film is that the story isnt that original. Ive seen the film which everything was inspired from and its a better film. So when its gone from film to book to theater to film again. I'm not going to be particular amazed with the result. Also the casting of Fergie in the role Sargina bothered me. She has no acting talent, no experience, doesn't look Italian and her voice is probably helped in production. Maybe that's why its heard so good in the film. Because from her rnb work we all know her voice is crap. I just hate when people just get cast because there famous and not for note worthy work.
There isnt much more to say then that Nine is fun, tells a good story, the songs are all very well connected to the story and presented. This is for anybody who loves musicals and films with great big name actors. So enjoy!
Personal Rating:

Review by Paul
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