director: Tim Burton
writer: Linda Woolverton
starring: Mia Wasikowska, Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Carter, Ann Hathaway, Crispin Glover
genre: Fantasy
From the announcement of this film and of Burton/Depp's involvement I was completely disinterested in the project. Why would I want to see Burton's take a on a children's book? As if he was the right choice to handle the film, as if hes the right guy to get the adaption right?Anyway, besides the usual mis-comings of a Tim Burton film it still manages to be funny and incredible visual experience.
Alice in Wonderland continues from the first book's story of the same name and completely derails from the second book' story "Through the Looking Glass" and continues on a new path. Here Alice (Mia Wasikowska) is grown up and a young woman. She is faced with responsibilities and decisions. Once again the rabbit manages to make her fall again through the rabbit hole. There she will return to find Wonderland much different then her last visit. She will find devastation under the Red Queen's rule and a prophecy of her freeing the land from the Red Queen and slaying the Jabberwocky. Its up to Alice to believe that it is not a dream and to help the Mad Hatter and the White Queen's side.
Im not familiar to 100% with the books but do know that Burton didnt give a rats ass about them and only about his vision. Like every film of Burton's i get so tired of his insistence to turn them into a gothic, visual, bleak, looney wonderland. This crazy desire of his to take existing material and just Tim Burtonsize it. He did it with Batman, Planet of the Apes and now with Alice.Also lets not forget the fact that he always casts Johnny Depp. Im not saying he's a bad actor. But they go overboard with collaborations and all the looney characters Depp has to play.
The film will sell itself with its marketing campaign with Burton and Depp's name spread all over. People will act like the visuals have never been seen before yet and that Depp will strike it out of the park once again with his sensational performances. Which im going to have to spoil you fans that Depp's performance here is mediocre. His acting is mysterious, awkward and feels out of place. This is not the kind of Mad Hatter i wanted to see. And for some reason he changes his voice and accent for no apparent reason in the film. Also there is a horrendous dance sequence at the end of the film by Depp which seeing it again will make me want to vomit.

To conclude it really depends on your taste of Tim Burton's art and vision. People that are fans of the book should look elsewhere as Burton didn't try to make faithful adaption. And Burton lovers will eat this up and praise Burton as a God or better yet a visionary. For me it was once again another waist of time in Burton making the same kind of films and constantly repeating himself.
Personal Rating:
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