Monday, January 10, 2011

6 vs 1,396,977 Putting the Tucson Shooting in Perspective

As mad as we are at the Tucson shooter, Jared Loughner, who killed six people, shouldn't we be even more mad at the Federal Government for killing 2977 people on 9/11/2001?
If you actually believe the governments story about 9/11, you must either be retarded, in denial or have just never looked at the evidence with open eyes. The 9/11 attacks not only started two wars but also allowed the Patriot Act to be put into law, stripping the U.S. citizens of many of their constitutional rights. Oh yeah, I almost forgot about the 1,000,000 civilians killed in Iraq and the 34,000 civilians killed in Afghanistan. So, just to keep it in perspective that's 6 vs 1,396,977 and that doesn't even count U.S. soldiers killed.

Yeah this guy named Jared did a really screwed up thing but it's nothing compared to what YOUR tax dollars paid for on 9/11.

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