Friday, February 4, 2011

Fort Hood shooting report faults Army, FBI

A Senate investigation into the Fort Hood, Texas, shooting faults the Army and FBI for missing warning signs and failing to exchange information that could have prevented the massacre.

William Wan,Felicia Sonmez, Washington Post
washington post February 4, 2011 04:00 AM Copyright washington post.
Friday, February 4, 2011

The report concludes that systemic and cultural problems caused military officials to fail to recognize signs that the alleged shooter, Maj. Nidal Hasan, was becoming increasingly radical before the 2009 shooting, which left 13 people dead.

It also concludes that the FBI failed to share information with the Army - notably, e-mails that Hasan exchanged with a "suspected terrorist," a likely reference to Anwar al-Awlaki,

an Islamic cleric well known for his extremist views. The report says the agency might have dismissed such clues to avoid causing "a bureaucratic confrontation."


NEW YORK, Oct. 21, 2010
Qaeda-Linked Imam Dined at Pentagon after 9/11
(CBS) This story was written by CBS News Justice and Homeland Security correspondent Bob Orr

Anwar al-Awlaki - the radical spiritual leader linked to several 9/11 attackers, the Fort Hood shooting, and the attempted Christmas Day bombing of an airliner - was a guest at the Pentagon in the months after 9/11, a Pentagon official confirmed to CBS News.

*NOTE (This video added post 4 comments)

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