The rumors that Joseph Gordon-Levitt (Inception, 500 Days of Summer) would join Christopher Nolan in The Dark Knight Rises have now finally come true. Levitt follows Tom Hardy in being the second cast member that accompanies Nolan from his previous film Inception. No announcement has been made about what role Levitt will be playing. The original rumors were that he was up for the role of the Riddler. But there is another thing possible but is a complete long-shot. Levitt was one of the original considerations for the part of the Joker in The Dark Knight. He lost the role subsequently to Heath Ledger. But maybe he's going to play a small role as the Joker. Would Nolan do that is unknown. He had said that originally the Joker was apart of the third film but with Ledger's death that changed. He also denied using CGI and deleted scenes of the Joker for the third film.
But if its not the Riddler, or the Joker being recast, who could Gordon-Levitt be playing?
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