Sunday, September 16, 2007

"Rosie, what happened to your hand?"

Among the hot topics that Rosie delves into is her painful childhood secret. She writes that as a child, she used to break her own limbs with "a baseball bat" or a "wooden hanger."

On page 186, it reads: "My hands and fingers usually. No one knew. My secret." Why? "Proof," she writes, "that I had some value, enough to be fixed." And later, Rosie cryptically adds, "There were many benefits to having a cast. In the middle of the night, it was a weapon."

Okay, poor little Rosie, no wonder she's such a screwed up adult.

But here is the puzzling part, she says "There were many benefits to having a cast. In the middle of the night, it was a weapon."
So Rosie obviously knows the value of having some kind of weapon to protect yourself with.
So why is she so anti-gun? Seems to me she would be a big time gun owner and gun rights activist. I mean if being in your room feeling defenseless is bad then why isn't being in your house feeling defenseless also bad?
Maybe we should all get casts on our hands to defend our homes with.

"Wake up!" "I think someone is breaking in!"
"Don't worry dear, I have a cast on my hand."

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