Sunday, December 21, 2008

The CIA's experimentation with LSD

n the 1950s, visitors to a brothel atop San Francisco’s Telegraph Hill got more than just a tryst and a view of the bay. Clients were secretly dosed with LSD as CIA agents watched from behind a one-way mirror. Although it sounds like a bad late-night spy movie, Operation Midnight Climax, as it was called, was a very real part of a larger covert project called MKULTRA.

In 1953 the director of Central Intelligence, Allen W. Dulles, officially approved MKULTRA,­ which sought chemical, biological, and radiological approaches to interrogation and behavior modification. Early on, the experiments employed volunteers, but as the program grew, ordinary American citizens and foreign nationals became unsuspecting subjects in the studies. At least one death was directly attributed to the experiments: Army scientist Frank Olson drank Cointreau laced with LSD and committed suicide a week later.

“They launched into reckless experimentation without close medical supervision,” says psychiatrist James S. Ketchum, whose book, Chemical Warfare Secrets Almost Forgotten, recounts his participation in a different Army project exploring the use of LSD as a chemical weapon. “Moral issues were considered minor if greater national security could be obtained.”
My advise to anyone who has never taken LSD is to obtain some as quickly as possible and become familiar with it. That way if the CIA decides to do experiments on you using hallucinogens you will say "I feel as if I've taken LSD." as opposed to saying "Oh my God I'm losing my mind!"

(Disclaimer: Never break any laws local, state, federal, global or galactic.)

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