Sunday, February 1, 2009


An odd combination of smells slapped Ron across the face as he entered Bonnie's. It smelled mostly like seed and feed with a dash of pesticide. "What can we get you?" Bonnie asked. Bonnie was wearing blue overalls as usual. "I just need some gloves." Two of his "Hands" walked up to see if they needed to load anything heavy. They looked like they were straight out of an episode of Gunsmoke. Long hair in an old fashion way. Like "I ain't got to town yet fer my spring haircut." but they were friendly enough. The whole place kind of gave Ron the creeps. Sometimes Bonnie's daughter would wait on you. To say that she was highly suspicious was an understatement. Once Ron bought some oil and charged it to the place he was working for. She said "That's not the kind of oil they use!" in an accusatory tone. Ron snapped back rather loudly "Well it is now!" Once she knows that you'll bite back she'll leave you alone. Bonnie halfheartedly said "Come again." as Ron was leaving, like he always does.
It was nice to be out of there, just something about that place.

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