Traitor attempts to ram through transfer of wealth to world government via series of behind closed doors meetings.
Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Friday, December 18, 2009
A visibly frustrated President Barack Obama was forced to address climate skepticism during his ill-tempered tantrum today in Copenhagen, desperately claiming that man-made climate change was “not fiction,” a view not shared by the majority of Americans he has failed to represent as he attempts to ram through a huge transfer of wealth to the new world order.
Obama said he was convinced the danger was real, adding, “This is not fiction, it is science,” before resolving to pursue his climate change agenda no matter what happened in Copenhagen – and evidently no matter what Congress or the American people have to say about it.
Obama restated his mission to craft policy that will cut CO2 emissions in America by 80 percent before 2050 – an act that will completely devastate the economy and herald a new great depression as we have previously documented.
He also said that $100 billion dollars would be mobilized for climate financing by 2020, the vast majority of which will come from a global tax on financial transactions and a GDP tax, as we have highlighted.
Obama said the ability to “take collective action is in doubt right now,” admitting that the success of the conference “hangs in the balance.”
Upset at the fact that the Copenhagen agenda is stalling, Obama is busily attempting to engineer an agreement via a series of behind closed doors meetings with world leaders.
“President Barack Obama and world leaders are holding another impromptu meeting in search of a climate deal,” reports the Associated Press. “Obama spokesman Robert Gibbs said Friday that Obama was meeting behind closed doors with the leaders of Australia, the United Kingdom, France, Germany and Japan. Also participating in the talks were developing countries.”
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