director: James Cameron
writer: James Cameron
starring: Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana, Sigourney Weaver, Stephen Lang
genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy
After all the hype and 12 years since Titanic, James Cameron's Avatar is finally in cinemas. Was it worth all the wait and hype to see his new film? In many ways it was. Few directors can take the most common story threads and still bring something new to the table. The story isnt new, there are no big twists in the film, but the environment, the atmosphere, the idea and world that Cameron wanted to bring us is what makes Avatar joy to see.

As youve seen from the posters and trailers Avatar deals and is about some blue people. But in more detail, its the story of soldier Jake Sully (Sam Worthington) and his adventure on the planet Pandora. Pandora is used for mining by big companies with contracts with the military. The problem on Pandora is the natives and their peculiar relationship to the planet. Jake is their due to his twin brothers death. The scientists were bringing to the table a diplomatic solution threw the creation of Avatar-bodies that would be controlled by humans but look and feel like the native Na'vi. The problem with the Avatars was the DNA restriction to one person entering the avatar. Here's were Jake comes into play. At the start its almost like being back home for Jake. Once a a grunt and proud soldier boy, now back in duty after the loss of his legs. With hopes getting his legs back and being a soldier again he sees that Pandora is a special place and not only for the Navi but also for him. He will have to choose what road to take and what he truly wants from his life and for the land of Pandora.
12 years was too long for James Cameron to make another film. He took his sweet time. He did this so he could make Avatar at the best specific time for the effects. My complaint is that he still could have done another film in the meantime. But now that he managed to make it. He made another epic and glorious film. Avatar is the definition of a good Hollywood blockbuster film. Only in the hands of the greats do these films ever matter. Action is great. All the actors make us believe in the world and fast pace of adventure doesn't ever really get you bored by the 3 hour mark.

Most obvious aspect of the film is the effects job. First, their the best of the year and it shows you where special effects are today and how they can be used in the right hands. Because we all know how effects can be put to bad used. Like Transformers. But Avatar couldn't be a great film just with its phenomenal effects. The story is solid, due to the well written script by Cameron that utilizes and structures the film in a very well manner. From the start of the film you understand the key elements of the story and get to know the characters, so by the end of the film you feel for them and their adventure.
Now about the 3D. I didn't see the film in 3D. A negative do to the full experience that 3D offers. Ive never been a fan of 3D and consider it a cheap trick to make you like the film more, because with out the 3D its crap. Case in point My Bloody Valentine. See that without 3D and its just a crappy film. For me a film is a good as it is in the normal format. Maybe if i had seen it in 3D i would have glorified the film for what it does with the tech it has. Due to the fact its not normal 3D. Its James Cameron's own tech 3D. But the negatives with 3D are you pay more and maybe get dizzy from the glasses. So its up to you. Without 3D the film is a-ok to see.
Avatar in the end is a beautiful film to see. Most people will be blown away by the world and creatures. I just loved the ride. I'm just hoping that Cameron dosent take another 12 years to make his next film. Because 12 years of waiting for a film that was not a masterpiece isn't worth the wait. He still could have done something in the meantime instead of his silly water documentaries. But that's beside the point. Avatar is worth spending your money to go see it the theaters. So go and see Avatar and experience the beauty of what is Pandora!
Personal Rating:

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