Monday, April 21, 2008

The Terrible Choice

What a terrible choice to have to make. The candidates that want to end our country's occupation of Iraq are also the candidates that don't care much for the peoples right to keep and bear arms. That's the bad thing about a two party system. I wish that there was a viable candidate that wanted to end the occupation of other countries and also was for the right of the people to keep and bear arms. I'm very conflicted, I know that I hold the right of gun ownership higher than a lot of my friends both online and off.
I'm a little too street smart to think that gun control will keep guns out of the hands of criminals. If you think that it will, well frankly, you don't know shit. You are ignorant, just look at drug laws. There are all kinds of very strict laws against drugs. Is it possible to get drugs if you want them? Yes and the more of a criminal you are, the easier they are to get. So why would guns be any different. Here is just an example: I was talking to an inmate and mentioned that I was going to buy a gun pretty soon. He said "Oh I should hook you up with my brother, he's a pretty big drug dealer and he's got all kinds of guns, people trade them in for drugs all the time." I opted to buy a gun legally instead since gun laws aren't real tight right now but I had that option. I guess the Democrats want people to feel like they are going to protect you from guns but I hope you know that is only an illusion. So, I've vented a little but am still facing a terrible decision.

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