Sunday, August 3, 2008

SUVs on Mars?

From The Sunday Times
April 29, 2007

Mars is being hit by rapid climate change and it is happening so fast that the red planet could lose its southern ice cap, writes Jonathan Leake.

Scientists from Nasa say that Mars has warmed by about 0.5C since the 1970s. This is similar to the warming experienced on Earth over approximately the same period.


We certainly have a problem with smog and air pollution, but CO2 is not the prime mover for this whole CC affair. Giving Nobel peace prizes to Gore and the IPCC was pure politics, un founded and bogus. The problem now is that these guys will say anything to save their reputation and medals...

R.Brassard, Montreal, Canada

Mars is warming and we have to save it NOW! All SUVs on Mars must be shut off immediately.

Duh, Duh, Duh

Did you know that Jupiter and Uranus are also undergoing climate change. I also thought that your website was very interesting and very informative.

Thanks for the info Hugo

Professor Hugo Vadasz, Adelaide, Australia

Gee, two planets in the same solar system warming at the same rate; could it be the sun is radiating a bit more energy?

Neil, Victoria, Canada

Too many opinions and not much in the way of genuine evidence in this whole climate change 'industry'. The truth is that a person will believe whatever suits their preconceptions unless they are genuinely willing to change - and that is indeed a rare thing for a creature as arrogant as a human being. Water and CO2 share similar properties in terms of thermal capacities. They are each tri-atomic molecules with similar 'triangular' structures and the same numer of degrees of freedom in terms of storing energy quanta. However, there is about 100 times as much water in the atmosphere as there is CO2 so a 1% drop in atmospheric water woulld have a similar thermal effect to completely removing ALL CO2 from the air, and likewise a 1% increase in atmospheric water would have a similar effect to doubling the CO2 in the atmosphere. Puts it into perspective, huh? Yes there is climate change but be damned if CO2 is doing it.

ben, vic, australia

I say we all grab a beer and enjoy the show!

Bruce, Regina, Canada

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