Friday, March 4, 2011

Alex Jones Invades Twitter

Paul Joseph Watson
March 4, 2011

With Hillary Clinton this week admitting that the US military-industrial complex and the globalists are losing the information war to alternative media outlets that cover “real news,” Alex Jones is taking the Infowar to a whole new level by invading Twitter with a fresh culture jamming offensive designed to bring the truth to millions more people all over the world.

Twitter has gone from being a playful social networking tool to becoming the vanguard for political movements worldwide and a thorn in the side of the globalists who have desperately sought to hijack the medium by activating armies of fake CENTCOM social profiles to spam propaganda, not just in America but around the world in Farsi and Arabic.

Despite dominating the likes of You Tube with approaching 100 million views on one channel alone, as well as Facebook, MySpace and Alexa, not to mention Google Trends which we have successfully topped on dozens of separate occasions, the Infowar has yet to take Twitter by storm and we urgently need to redress that balance with the aid of our fantastic supporters.

To understand how quickly a new meme can invade and take over Twitter, just look at the reaction Charlie Sheen was able to generate when he signed up to use the networking tool. After less than a week, Sheen already has over 1.5 million followers, and he attracted 1 million of them in just one day. Contrary to reports, it was not solely CNN host Piers Morgan that convinced Sheen to sign up to Twitter this past weekend. During a visit to Sheen’s home more than three weeks ago, Alex Jones convinced the actor to start his own Twitter account.

But Jones is guilty of not following his own advice – Infowars has a Twitter account at – but we’ve hardly even promoted it, let alone used it in the Infowar to start viral hash tags or indeed invade those memes already circulating with the message of truth.

That’s all about to change in a dramatic way – we are launching a new offensive in the Infowar to literally invade Twitter with the truth about the new world order and the myriad of issues we face as a society, not by competing with the drivel served up by the establishment entertainment industry, but by hijacking it and using the establishment’s own weapons against them to reach new people as we were successful in doing via Jones’ appearance on The View and the whole Charlie Sheen bandwagon over the course of the last eight days.

We are looking to achieve at least 100,000 Twitter followers within the next week, and will use that as a platform from which to launch our new offensive.

This effort is particularly crucial at this moment in time given the fact that Google is openly trying to use its new algorithm to block out and stifle alternative media websites, while favoring establishment corporate media websites that can afford to pay hundreds or thousands of employees to produce original content, never mind the fact that that content comprises of a mere parroting of the establishment status quo.

Obviously this will manifest itself with us using Twitter to tell people about guests on the Alex Jones Show as well as information posted on our websites, but moreover we are looking to use Twitter as a tool for organizing activism out on the streets.

Therefore we encourage all the great Infowarriors out there to help us in this mission by ‘following’ the Infowars Twitter page at and sending the tweet that Alex Jones is invading Twitter! We also encourage people to Google search the term “Alex Jones Twitter” to help us achieve this goal.

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