Saturday, May 14, 2011

I Spit On Your Grave (2010) Review

director: Steven R. Monroe

writer: Stuart Morse

starring: Sarah Butler, Jeff Branson, Andrew Howard

genre: Horror, Remake

Its amazing how anyone could think that remaking one of the most tasteless films ever in history was a good idea. But it's logical due to the fact that there is a audience for these kinds of films. A genre that is solely based on having depraving acts towards women and containing extremely detailed mutilation scenes with no coherent story, characters or meanings. This remake might be it's original better but its hardly enough to recommend this to anyone to watch, enjoy or remember.

The film follows closely the plot of the original film. An inspiring novelist Jennifer Hills (Sarah Butler) goes to a small hick town to stay in a secluded cabin and write her book. There she will encounter hideous men who will humiliate her, ravish her and stalk her until the inevitable act of her being raped by all of them. And as with the original film she will take her revenge on them one at a time and make there last moments as horrific as it was for her. 

Now what might have changed from one of the worst films ever made to its remake? Well the most obvious change is the budget of the film. The remake looks substantially better, from its cinematography to its direction. The actors are more serious and believable, the amateur film-making of the original is gone and the film trys to be more realistic in its plot. Not that it accomplishes it that most of the times. The most obvious mistake the film makes is how the protagonist escapes from the gang of hicks. Its truly unrealistic, silly but needed for the terrible story to progress.

Generally my opinion of the remake is practically the same as with the original. It's still tasteless entertainment with minor improvements that doesn't justify it being remade. If remaking rape and torture scenes is called a good time at the movies then I dont know squat from films. If you want more of my opinion, then I would suggest reading my original review as my arguments there are the same for the remake here. I Spit on Your Grave (1980) Review

Besides being a more realistic and less amateur film than its predecessor its still not enough to be seen by anyone except fans of this depraving and sadistic genre. If your in the mood to see a terrible revenge story with rape and blood then be my guest. But if your really into this kind of filmmaking then you yourself need help and time to rethink why you like this genre in the first place.

Personal Rating:

Review by Paul

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