Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Pro Death? or Just Say Nein!

I see certain parallels with abortion and the war on drugs.

People opposed to abortion tend to paint the picture this way: We will stop abortion by making it illegal.[STOP THINKING HERE]

People opposed to drug use tend to paint the picture this way: We will stop drug use by making it illegal. [STOP THINKING HERE]

Seems like it's set up to make it look like they are doing something about it (abortion & drugs) to fool simple minded people.

Here is an unauthorized quote from yellowdoggrannie's blog that I whole heartedly agree with.

"the assholes would rather see the mothers go to some back alley mid-wife and have some drunk with a coat hanger rip her insides out." (Than to be able to get a safe and legal abortion.)

I would say of a lot of well meaning, misguided people support the war on drugs, but still.

"The assholes would rather see hard working, tax paying citizens sit on their butts in prison (no longer paying taxes but gobbling up tax dollars) and kids buying crack and cheese on the playgrounds of America than to allow safe, legal, regulated and taxed drugs be sold in a liquor/drug store."

So to me these issues have a lot in common.

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