Wednesday, June 30, 2010

It Takes a lot of Money to Enslave an Entire Planet

We, the global elite, were going to pass carbon taxes by tricking the world into believing that man made global warming was going to destroy the earth. Unfortunately leaked e-mails exposed that fraud. Then we thought we would make some world enslavement money by selling flu shots for a fake pandemic. Unfortunately the people of the world saw through that fraud too. Now BP, a company set up to make huge amounts of money if a cap and trade law is passed, just happened to have a giant oil leak at a fairly good time for us. Citizens of the Earth, unite and support legislation for a carbon tax. This will make your enslavement much easier and smoother. Also please support all laws that take guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens, this will save a lot of bloodshed, mainly ours.
Thank you for your cooperation in your own enslavement.

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