Friday, March 16, 2007

Do you have a lot of employees?

The post before this one did a great job of proving a point that I have been trying for years to make to Oklahoma voters. Are you wealthy? Do you have a lot of employees? Do you own several businesses across the state? The answer is of course, no. Simply because rich successful people don't hang out with the likes of me. But working class people that vote Republican? The 100% vote against raising the minimum wage should wake some people up. It's like the Republicans "Trickle down theory" To me it was the "Tinkle down theory" If you're not rich, piss on you!" (Forgive me for not knowing this for sure but the vote might have been on letting the people vote on it, which is even worse to vote no on. As a matter of fact it should be down right unforgivable!)

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