Saturday, March 24, 2007

Mutant nose virus

Here is a story that I don't expect you to believe but it is true. When I was in high school, still living at home with my mom and dad, I got a stomach virus. I was sick for a couple of days and couldn't even think of eating. On the third day I woke up in my bedroom with the door shut. I hollered at my mom (who in retrospect is somewhat like June Cleaver and I like the Beave)' I told her that the pears smelled good and that I might could eat some, if it weren't for the smell of that chicken noodle soup. It smelled way to strong for my stomach right now. She said "I'm not cooking any soup." I said "Well, okay soup that you cooked earlier." She said "No, I haven't cooked anything this morning but coffee." I could smell chicken noodle soup so well that it was about to make me sick and pears so well that I wanted to eat them so I slowly got up and went into the kitchen. There were two cans sitting on the kitchen table, one was Campbell's Chicken Noodle Soup and the other was a can of pears! The cans weren't damaged or anything. This is a true story, I swear.
P.S. People that have seen the size of my nose seem to find this story more believable.

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