Thursday, August 6, 2009

Watchmen - Tales of the Black Freighter (2009)

director: Daniel Delpurgatorio, Mike Smith

writers: Alex Tse, Zack Snyder

starring: Gerald Butler, Jared Harris

genre: Animation, Comics, Thriller

Now you might be wondering. What does this have to do with Watchmen and why are there pirates and why haven't i heard about it? Well the reason is that this was in the comic but one the less realistic things to put in. Only people who have read of the comic well no of this material. Ill talk about a little about the whole story and why should or should you not give a damn about this little film.

The film is a about the story of a captain (Gerald Butler) and his peril of losing his ship and shipmates by the Black Freighter. Its his story of his will to warn the shore of the Black Freighter coming and his own fight of keeping himself alive and sane long enough to accomplish his goal.

Tales of the Black Freighter is a comic within comic in the Graphic Novel Watchmen. It was a subplot that had to comparison the in comic heroes with real heroes of the story. How the emotions some would consider similar. How a man of bravery and wit can go so easily to insanity. But because of its weird nature as an a little experiment within the realms of the genre of a comic it would have been too weird to put it in a live action film. So it was cut and made into this 25 minute film for any die hard Watchmen fans of the film and comic.

Now is this film for you is the big question? I would say no. I cant really recommend this. It being just a 25 minute film. In reality as an extra on the Watchmen DVD would be cool but they built it into whole other DVD release which is a rip off. Its only 25 minutes. And because you know its only 25 minutes you don't fully enjoy the film. I mean its good, its serious and great story. But its only 25 minutes as a straight to DVD release. Also there adding this whole film mixed inside the Watchmen film on the directors cut DVD which is going to be exactly like the comic but make the film immensely weirder.

As much i can say there's is no need to see this film. Its only 25 minutes and this wasn't the best part of the Watchmen books. Tales of the Black Freighter is a good pirate story that corresponds to the events of the Watchmen. Only Watchmen fans should take a look, others will be mad over the short length like i was and im a fan of the comic so don't bother.

Personal Rating:

Review by Paul

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