Thursday, March 11, 2010

Planet Hulk (2010)

director: Sam Liu
writer: Greg Johnson
starring: Rick D. Wasserman, Lisa Ann Baley
genre: Animation

Im going to keep this review to a short length. Ive already reviewed a number of Marvel and DC animation films and theirs not much diffrence between them. So saying the same thing over and over again is not worth it.

Planet Hulk is latest film of the Marvel Animation Studios and is a fun action epic of Hulk and his struggles on the planet Sakkar. Some of Earths heroes like Iron Man and Dr. Strange decided that it would be the right choice to send the Hulk away from Earth, before he does some real damage to innocent people. While the Hulk is in mid orbit to a peaceful planet, he wakes up to damage the controls and send himself to the rebelious planet of Sakkar. There, captured and taken to be a Gladiator. There he will fight Skaar's ruler the Red King for his freedom and the freedom of Skaar itself.

The film doesn't differ to a large degree with the original Planet Hulk story. Some liberties are taken with minor tweaks in the story. But as with all the other comic animation films the original stories are all of greater value. The liberties that are taken in the film are in some areas ok and then others just plain silly. The most sad thing is that the audience of this film and others alike is for children. So a 12 issue story is crammed into 1 hour and necessary changes were made to fit this time length and audience.

Planet Hulk has all the classic qualites of the other animation films, good action, very good voice work, mediocre animation, and minimal characer development. Dont even bother seeing the film if your in the need for a Hulk experience. Reading the comic Planet Hulk or seeing the two live action films are better choices.

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