Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Perfect Gift

I found the perfect gift for that special enemy.

Q: What can I do to protect myself against the flu?
A: Get a flu shot!

Q: Should I get a flu shot?
A: Yes!

Q: Are there other benefits to getting the flu shot?
A: You can feel confident that you are helping the big pharmaceutical companies get more money and more power and after all, isn't that good for everyone?

Q: What about H1N1?
A: This season, the flu vaccine will protect against the H1N1 virus because frankly, we had to do something with all those leftover shots nobody would take last year.

Q: Why should I consider getting a flu shot at a pharmacy?
A: You can feel confident that our certified immunizing specialist, mostly junkies, are very good and experienced at giving "shots".

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