Friday, October 22, 2010

The biggest movie news of the past week

11/10/2010 to 17/10/2010

Bourne without Matt

As this isn't news we weren't expecting. Due to the Jason Bourne franchise being a cash cow. The studio has decided in continuing the franchise without Jason Bourne himself Matt Damon. But instead of doing the obvious in rebooting the franchise or just changing the actor like the Bond films. The studio has decided in just continuing the franchise with another character similar to Bourne but within the same universe.

Aronofsky Dreaming of Wolverine 2

Beloved filmmaker Darren Aronofsky after years of being connected to genre films like Robocop and Batman is very close to being the director of Wolverine 2. This is great news if it actually happens, as it will be a more interesting in depth look into Wolverine compared to the first film. Aronofsky has directed many great film like Requiem for a Dream and the Fountain but still hasn't made the jump to a big budget studio film.

Tom Hardy in Batman 3

Tom Hardy has been officially casted in Batman 3. He is known for his roles in Inception as Eames the forger and in Bronson as the criminal boxer Charles Bronson. His role is still kept secret, but rumors circulating is that he either playing the Riddler or even the Penguin.

Rhys Ifans in mystery Spider-Man villain role

Like with Tom Hardy, Rhys Ifans also has been casted in a mystery role in the reboot of Spider-Man. Ifans is recognized for his roles in Notting Hill and the Boat that Rocked. He also has an upcoming part in the new Harry Potter film. The role that he's going to be playing in the Spider-Man based on rumors is pointing to the Lizard or Mysterio.

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