Thursday, October 7, 2010

Pakistan Urges On Taliban

Members of Pakistan's spy agency are pressing Taliban field commanders to fight the U.S. and its allies in Afghanistan, some U.S. officials and Afghan militants say, a development that undercuts a key element of the Pentagon's strategy for ending the war.

The explosive accusation is the strongest yet in a series of U.S. criticisms of Pakistan, and shows a deteriorating relationship with an essential ally in the Afghan campaign. The U.S. has provided billions of dollars in military and development aid to Pakistan for its support.

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The U.S. and Afghanistan have sought to persuade midlevel Taliban commanders to lay down their weapons in exchange for jobs or cash. The most recent Afghan effort at starting a peace process took place this week in Kabul.

But few Taliban have given up the fight, officials say. Some Taliban commanders and U.S. officials say militant leaders are being pressured by officers from Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence agency not to surrender.

"The ISI wants to arrest commanders who are not obeying [ISI] orders," said a Taliban commander in Kunar province.

U.S. officials say they have heard similar reports from captured militants and those negotiating to lay down their arms.

A senior Pakistani official dismissed the allegation, insisting Islamabad is fighting militants, not aiding them.

article continues WSJ

This is all big time news on Oct 5 2010 but what about this?

This article was published in July 2010

Missing The Point

Sometimes it seems like everyone is missing the point. As far as Shirley Sherrod, the ousted Agriculture Department official, the real story here should be how the media hopped on this without checking into the facts and how the Obama Administration did the very same thing. So far they've just been trying to blame a blogger and not taking any responsibility themselves.

People are missing the point on the Wikileaks release of classified information. The media is covering who leaked it. They should be covering the fact that the CIA gives money to the ISI and then they give it to the Taliban and Al Qaeada.
WE ARE PAYING BOTH SIDES TO FIGHT!!! That's what the media should be screaming.
Posted by texlahoma at 10:50 AM 7 comments Links to this post
Labels: CIA, ISI, Missing The Point, Shirley Sherrod, WE ARE PAYING BOTH SIDES TO FIGHT

This was published in Bluebeerriveron July 31, 2010!

In other words, all this information was already available from Wiki-leaks but the mainstream media was busy trying to demonize the guy who leaked it. So now, three months later, they are acting like it is something new.

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