Wednesday, September 30, 2009
twice as likely
B.C. might suspend the seasonal flu shots as early as today, in the wake of a Canadian study that suggests people who get the flu vaccine are twice as likely to contract the H1N1 virus.
Several news outlets reported the preliminary findings of the study, which is still under peer review. Researchers found that those who received the seasonal flu vaccine in the past were more likely to catch H1N1.
While the research was initially met with much skepticism from health officials, several provinces, including Quebec, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Ontario and Nova Scotia, have suspended seasonal flu shots for anyone younger than 65, the Globe and Mail newspaper is reporting in its Monday editions.
Several news outlets reported the preliminary findings of the study, which is still under peer review. Researchers found that those who received the seasonal flu vaccine in the past were more likely to catch H1N1.
While the research was initially met with much skepticism from health officials, several provinces, including Quebec, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Ontario and Nova Scotia, have suspended seasonal flu shots for anyone younger than 65, the Globe and Mail newspaper is reporting in its Monday editions.
Συνέντευξη του σκηνοθέτη Γιώργου Νούσσια, για Το Κακό Στην Εποχή Των Ηρώων (2009)
Έπειτα από 8 μήνες κριτικών και πολύ προσπάθειας, καταφέραμε να ξεκινήσουμε ένα νέο κεφάλαιο του guerilla movie reviews , το οποίο θα αποτελείται από συνεντεύξεις ανθρώπων με μεράκι για τον κινηματογράφο, ανθρώπων που πραγματικά προσφέρουν και θέλουν να κάνουν κάτι αξιόλογο στον χώρο.
Έτσι λοιπόν, η αρχή γίνεται με την συνέντευξη του σκηνοθέτη του Κακού Στην Εποχή Των Ηρώων! Δεν θα μπορούσε κατά την γνώμη μας να γίνει καλύτερο ξεκίνημα από αυτό!
Με μεγάλη μας χαρα λοιπόν αγαπητοί μας αναγνώστες, σας παρουσιάζουμε τον κύριο Γιώργο Νούσσια!!

guerilla movie reviews: Γειά σας Κύριε Νούσσια! Το Κακό Στην Εποχή Των Ηρώων θα κάνει την πρώτη του εμφάνιση στις ελληνικές αίθουσες σε λίγες μέρες.Πείτε μας το πώς νοιώθετε για όλο αυτό!
Γιώργος Νούσσιας: Μετά από τρελή κούραση, αλλά και διασκέδαση, τώρα έχει μείνει η αγωνία.
guerilla movie reviews: Πείτε μας ποιές είναι οι βασικές σας επιρροές και πώς αποφασίσατε να ξεκινήσετε την σκηνοθετική σας καριέρα στον χώρο των zombie/splatter movies;
Γιώργος Νούσσιας: Οι επιρροές είναι από παντού, ωραίες ταινίες υπάρχουν σε όλα τα είδη. Προφανώς υπάρχουν ταινίες και σκηνοθέτες που ξεχωρίζω, αλλά οι επιρροές δεν νομίζω ότι είναι εμφανείς.
Προσπαθούμε να τις κρύβουμε για να φανούμε πρωτότυποι. Η επιλογή τώρα να κάνουμε το Κακό έχει να κάνει με δυο τρεις λόγους. 1. Μας αρέσουν αυτές οι ταινίες, 2. Ο τρόμος μπορεί να είναι low budget. 3. κάπως πρέπει να ξεκινήσει κανείς.
guerilla movie reviews: Ονομάστε τις 5 αγαπημένες σας ταινίες από όποιο είδος θέλετε.
Γιώργος Νούσσιας: 1. Return of the Jedi, 2. Blues Brothers, 3. The Royal Tenenbaums, 4. Les Demoiselles de Rochefort, 5. Close Encounters of the Third Kind. (Και άλλες 100!)
guerilla movie reviews: Το Κακό αποτελεί εξαίρεση στις ελληνικές κινηματογραφικές παραγωγές.Πως εξηγείτε την έλλειψη ποικιλίας στον "εμπορικό" ελληνικό κινηματογράφο και πως πιστεύετε ότι το Κακό θα βοηθήσει στην ανάπτυξη και άλλων ειδών, πέρα από τις κλασσικές πλέον, σεξιστικού τύπου κωμωδίες και τα κουλτουρέ δράματα;
Γιώργος Νούσσιας: Δεν υπάρχουν λεφτά. Μακάρι, αν το Κακό έχει επιτυχία, οι παραγωγοί να ανοιχτούν σε περισσότερες τέτοιες παραγωγές.
guerilla movie reviews: Πως βλέπετε το ελληνικό κινηματογραφικό σύστημα και πόσο εύκολο είναι για έναν νέο καλλιτέχνη να βρεί πόρους στο να κάνει κάτι το πρωτοποριακό για τα ελληνικά δεδομένα;
Γιώργος Νούσσιας: Μιλώντας για τον εαυτό μου, μια λύση είναι αυτό να γίνει χωρίς πόρους.
guerilla movie reviews: Πως επηρεαστήκατε από τις καλές ή κακές κριτικές για το Κακό 1 και πιά ήταν τα μεγαλύτερα "μαθήματα" απο το πρώτο "Κακό", που σας βοήθησαν στο να γυριστεί το δεύτερο?;
Γιώργος Νούσσιας: Δεν επηρεαστήκαμε από τις κριτικές. Όλες οι ταινίες σε κάποιους αρέσουν και σε κάποιους όχι. Αυτό που μας έμεινε από το πρώτο είναι μεγαλύτερη σιγουριά και αυτοπεποίθηση.
guerilla movie reviews: Από ένα μηδαμινό σχετικά budget, φτάσατε στην δημιουργία μιας ταινίας που αγγίζει το όριο των 700.000ε .Ποιός πιστεύετε είναι ο λόγος στην δραματική αυτή άνοδο και πείτε μας άν νομίζετε ότι ρίχνει κάποιο "βάρος" στις πλάτες σας.
Γιώργος Νούσσιας: Το νούμερο αυτό είναι πλασματικό. Είχαμε λιγότερα από τα μισά για να γυρίσουμε την ταινία. Απλώς πάλι πολύς κόσμος έχει βάλει την εργασία του ως συμπαραγωγή, κι αυτό ανεβάζει το μπάτζετ. Παρόλα αυτά, είναι περισσότερα από την πρώτη φορά, και η ευθύνη είναι μεγαλύτερη. Όμως, όσα και να είναι τα λεφτά, το ζητούμενο είναι να βγει καλή η ταινία.
guerilla movie reviews:Στην ταινία σας πρωταγωνιστούν εκτός του Μπίλι Ζέιν, ονόματα όπως η Ιωάννα Παππά, ο Ορφέας Αυγουστίδης και άλλοι..Γιατί αυτοί και όχι ίσως κάποια νέα παιδιά, τα οποία θα σας επέτρεπαν το ίδιο αποτέλεσμα, με μικρότερο κόστος και χωρίς να μπούν εμπορικές "ταμπέλες".
Γιώργος Νούσσιας: Υπάρχει κάποια θεωρία ότι οι "εμπορικές ταμπέλες" όπως λες είναι κάτι κακό;
guerilla movie reviews: Σε ποιό κοινό απευθύνεστε; Γιατί καλώς η κακώς, ο μέσος Έλληνας προτιμάει άλλου είδους ταινίες (σεξιστικού τύπου κωμωδίες και τα κουλτουρέ δράματα).
Γιώργος Νούσσιας: Σε όποιον του αρέσει η ταινία. Αν και φαντάζομαι ότι το κύριο κοινό είναι νέοι άντρες 15-25.

guerilla movie reviews: Όταν ξεκινήσατε περιμένατε αυτή τη συνέχεια; Και τώρα που ήρθε, τι συνέπειες πιστεύετε ότι θα έχει αυτή η επιτυχία ( για την οποία μιλάει όλο το ελληνικό νεανικό κοινό) στην συνέχεια της καριέρας σας;
Γιώργος Νούσσιας: Δεν την περιμέναμε. Για τα υπόλοιπα θα δούμε.
guerilla movie reviews: Ποιό ήταν κατά την γνώμη σας το πιο δύσκολο(δυσάρεστο) και το πιο εύκολο(ευχάριστο) στα γυρίσματα της ταινίας;
Γιώργος Νούσσιας: Δυο τρεις φορές που μας τελείωνε ο χρόνος, ήταν κάπως δυσάρεστες. Αλλά όταν γυρνάς σφαγές στην Αρχαία Ελλάδα, νομίζω ότι σβήνονται και τα πιο δυσάρεστα.
guerilla movie reviews: Ένας από τους συντάκτες μας συμμετείχε στα γυρίσματα της ταινίας.Ποιός είναι ο χειρισμός ενός μεγάλου πλήθους ¨κομπάρσων" και πείτε μας άν σας έχει μείνει κάτι ευχάριστο από αυτή την εμπειρία με τον κόσμο.
Γιώργος Νούσσιας: Υπομονή, και να κάνεις τον κόσμο να περνάει καλά, και να νοιώθει ότι συμμετέχει.
guerilla movie reviews: Η προσέλευση ατόμων για να κάνουν τα ζόμπι ήταν ικανοποιητική?Περιμένατε αυτή την ανταπόκριση?
Γιώργος Νούσσιας: Θέλαμε κι άλλους!
guerilla movie reviews: Με δύο splatter ταινίες στο βιογραφικό σας,ποιά είναι τα σχέδια σας για το μέλλον;Έχετε κάποια απωθημένα που θα σας κάνουν να γυρίσετε κάτι το διαφορετικό;Ίσως κάποια ταινία σχετική με άλλο τομέα του μεταφυσικου,για παραδειγμα φαντάσματα ή βρυκόλακες?
Γιώργος Νούσσιας: Φαντάσματα, βρυκόλακες, διαστημόπλοια, πιστολίδια, κυνηγητά....
guerilla movie reviews: Σας ευχαριστούμε πάρα πολύ για την συνέντευξη που μας παραχωρήσετε. Κλείστε όπως θέλετε.
Γιώργος Νούσσιας: Καλή διασκέδαση.

guerilla movie reviews
Θέλουμε να ευχαριστήσουμε μέσα από την καρδιά μας τον κύριο Γιώργο Νούσσια για την ευκαιρία που μας έδωσε μέσω της συνέντευξης αυτής και ευχόμαστε να μας φέρει γούρι για τα επόμενα σχέδια μας!
Όλες οι ερωτήσεις έγιναν σε συνεργασία των συντακτών του guerilla movie reviews .
Ελπίζουμε να γουστάρατε με την συνέντευξη και να γουστάρετε ακόμα περισσότερο με Το Κακό Στην Εποχή Των Ηρώων !
Τι στο διάολο συμβαίνει σε αυτό το γ@μημένο blogspot ; ;

Following our earlier report about a paramilitary security force occupying a town in Montana, it has now become clear that the purpose of American Police Force is to boss a state of the art internment camp that some fear will be used to incarcerate American citizens, as reports come in of the private paramilitary unit setting up roadblocks and harassing citizens in Hardin.
A CNN report on the $27 million dollar facility in Hardin Montana states that it could become “Gitmo West” and be filled with detainees from Guantanamo Bay and other terrorists. Since a majority of the American people have now been designated as potential domestic terrorists by the federal government, fears are growing that the prison camp will be used to incarcerate citizens against their will during a flu pandemic or any other declared emergency.
The Two Rivers Detention Center is a state of the art facility, festooned with surveillance cameras and surrounded by razor wire and open land to prevent escape. The camp is also filled with riot equipment such as gas masks, riot helmets, shields and batons, as well as guns.
Since the camp is currently empty, a private paramilitary unit calling itself American Police Force has been hired by local authorities to boss the facility. However, as we reported earlier, APF, which has all the hallmarks of being another Blackwater, has virtually occupied the town, festooned their vehicles with police decals and started carrying out law enforcement duties.
According to an article carried on the Steve Quayle website, 75% of the APF agents will be foreign mercenaries after training is completed and the organization’s ultimate goal is to establishment a permanent presence in the town while scouting out another 30 U.S. towns for a similar occupation-style mandate. The writer claims that APF agents are already harassing citizens, setting up roadblocks and that they told a local business owner that they had a register of all the gun owners in the town.
All of this is of course completely illegal and unconstitutional. A private army cannot pose as a police force unless we’re talking about a third world dictatorship or a banana republic, which is what the U.S. has seemingly become.
It seems that Obama’s promise of a “national civilian security force” is being implemented as private mercenary armies are brought in to occupy American towns and set up internment camps for dissidents and people who resist a federal government takeover under the pretext of a swine flu outbreak or similar pandemic
We will have reports directly out of Hardin Montana over the next few days as we track this shocking development.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
We have found out that our little town of Hardin is the 'test town' for President Obama’s new law to privatize the police force of local communities. Last night, the city council voted to disband our sheriff’s department and to bring in a private security company to police the town.
Interestingly, earlier in the day, the mayor when asked in an interview about the privatization of our police department completely denied it and said that would not be done with out a council meeting. Then that evening, a council meeting was held in regards to that very thing. At the beginning of this month, our local prison signed an agreement with the American Police Force which is a subsidiary of a larger private security force that the U.S. used in the Iraq war and Hurricane Katrina.
Yesterday, a convoy of twelve 'blacked out' Mercedes Benz SUV’s were brought into town. They were already painted with Hardin’s colors and ‘Hardin Police Force’ was already painted on them! Hardin’s sheriff’s department will no longer be in operation after the month of October. During October, the Sheriff’s Department is to train this new security force in all the logistics of running the town of Hardin. If you go on the American Police Force site, you might notice that the logo they use is actually a Russian logo. I have been told that the man who came with this new security force as the captain, has a thick Russian accent.
Earlier this month, in an interview in regards to this Hardin prison and the training center that they are planning to build, we were told that seventy five percent of the security officers that were to be trained would be ‘international’.
This private security force is already patrolling the town. They had several people stopped yesterday. Also, it appears that they are building some type of heavy duty gate at the entrances of our town.
In an interview, the American Police Force security has stated that they will stay here one month to assess the population and then they will make their permanent base here. They said they are scouting out thirty towns in the U.S. but that Hardin is the first. Also, President Obama has authorized and signed a bill for full government funding of the privatization of the police departments throughout the U.S. By the end of October, it is their plan to have all major cities locked down!
In an interview with one of the city council members, he stated that this new H1N1 shot which has not been tested will be mandatory and if a resident of our town refuses, they will be taken to our prison where they will be quarantined. A federal law has been passed that makes it mandatory that all health care workers have to take this new shot. If they do not, they will automatically loose their jobs.
The new federal law that is in place makes gives you four choices in regards to this new shot. One, you can voluntarily take it or you can refuse and be taken to a place to be quarantined, or as an alternative; if you refuse, you can have a chip placed in you to track you or a tracking bracelet which cannot be taken off. The state borders will be manned and locked down in the near future in regards to this mandatory shot.
I am also told by a reliable source that today one of the managers at a local business in Hardin was visited by this new private security force which is now the new Hardin Police Department. He is an avid hunter and they came to inform him that they had a list of all fire arms that he owned; this includes all the residents of our town, and that he would need to take his guns down to have them put a marking device on them.
Also, today, one of the main streets in Hardin was completely blocked off and they have been setting up information booths where they are passing out pamphlets with information on this new H1N1 shot.
Intercessors, I am not making up any of this information! You can go on the internet and verify most of this information from KULR 8, MSNBC or Fox news. Things have changed so quickly in the last 24 hours!americanpolice
Interestingly, earlier in the day, the mayor when asked in an interview about the privatization of our police department completely denied it and said that would not be done with out a council meeting. Then that evening, a council meeting was held in regards to that very thing. At the beginning of this month, our local prison signed an agreement with the American Police Force which is a subsidiary of a larger private security force that the U.S. used in the Iraq war and Hurricane Katrina.
Yesterday, a convoy of twelve 'blacked out' Mercedes Benz SUV’s were brought into town. They were already painted with Hardin’s colors and ‘Hardin Police Force’ was already painted on them! Hardin’s sheriff’s department will no longer be in operation after the month of October. During October, the Sheriff’s Department is to train this new security force in all the logistics of running the town of Hardin. If you go on the American Police Force site, you might notice that the logo they use is actually a Russian logo. I have been told that the man who came with this new security force as the captain, has a thick Russian accent.
Earlier this month, in an interview in regards to this Hardin prison and the training center that they are planning to build, we were told that seventy five percent of the security officers that were to be trained would be ‘international’.
This private security force is already patrolling the town. They had several people stopped yesterday. Also, it appears that they are building some type of heavy duty gate at the entrances of our town.
In an interview, the American Police Force security has stated that they will stay here one month to assess the population and then they will make their permanent base here. They said they are scouting out thirty towns in the U.S. but that Hardin is the first. Also, President Obama has authorized and signed a bill for full government funding of the privatization of the police departments throughout the U.S. By the end of October, it is their plan to have all major cities locked down!
In an interview with one of the city council members, he stated that this new H1N1 shot which has not been tested will be mandatory and if a resident of our town refuses, they will be taken to our prison where they will be quarantined. A federal law has been passed that makes it mandatory that all health care workers have to take this new shot. If they do not, they will automatically loose their jobs.
The new federal law that is in place makes gives you four choices in regards to this new shot. One, you can voluntarily take it or you can refuse and be taken to a place to be quarantined, or as an alternative; if you refuse, you can have a chip placed in you to track you or a tracking bracelet which cannot be taken off. The state borders will be manned and locked down in the near future in regards to this mandatory shot.
I am also told by a reliable source that today one of the managers at a local business in Hardin was visited by this new private security force which is now the new Hardin Police Department. He is an avid hunter and they came to inform him that they had a list of all fire arms that he owned; this includes all the residents of our town, and that he would need to take his guns down to have them put a marking device on them.
Also, today, one of the main streets in Hardin was completely blocked off and they have been setting up information booths where they are passing out pamphlets with information on this new H1N1 shot.
Intercessors, I am not making up any of this information! You can go on the internet and verify most of this information from KULR 8, MSNBC or Fox news. Things have changed so quickly in the last 24 hours!americanpolice
Monday, September 28, 2009
Superman/Batman: Public Enemies (2009)

director: Sam Liu
starring: Tim Daily, Kevin Conray, Clancy Brown
genre: Action, Animation
genre: Action, Animation
Another DC animated film is out and of course I wouldn’t miss the chance to see it. Along line with the other DC releases its very good. All the elements that made the other films so good are still here. And also the same problems that due to its format will probably not change. But Public Enemies is by far from all the rest the best DC animated film in action and in its size of DC characters.

As I said the film has everything the other DC animated films had. Great voice acting, serious story and great action. The standouts of the film are one the action which is top notch. Very well done and the idea of putting Supeman and Batman to fight a enormous amount of villains and superheroes is great eye candy. Another thing that stood out was the great lines. Some great dialogue that surprised me and made me enjoy the characters interaction even more.
The obvious problem I had as with the others is becaue this is straight to DVD film and for young audience is they don’t push themselves for a greater story length film. Story is great until the end which feels kind of messy but still manages to be ok. Also the animation is again standard, lacks in style with not much detail but very fluid in its action sequences. Also some of the plot elements seem a little bit influenced from the Marvel comic event Civil War but on a positive note incorporates DC history very well and does have a little bit social commentary in the beginning of the film which i admire.

Personal Rating:

Review by Paul
Sunday, September 27, 2009
The Ugly Truth (2009)
director: Robert Luketic
writer: Karen McCullah Lutz, Kirsten Smith, Nicole Eastman
starring: Gerald Butler, Katherine Heigl
genre: Comedy, Romance
The trouble with romantic comedies lately is that there not funny and not so romantic. Why is that? It’s probably that they rehash the same old formulas and just believe the talent of the actors will make everything ok. Well it cant always be like that. Ugly Truth again is just like all the rest of romantic comedy's this year, little bit of funny and a little bit romantic but not enough to make a more satisfying package.
Abby (Katherine Heigl) is a beautiful woman, smart, attractive and professional. But the love her life hasn’t come just yet. After trouble at her morning TV show and her bad dates she’s stumbles on a tv show the ugly truth by Mike Chadaway (Gerald Butler). He gives her a ranting she needs to wake up. By coincidence he's hired to her program and the antagonism begins. The two at odds come to together to show that they can help each other. As Mike helps Abby with her love life she helps him with his career. But they will both will see that helping and caring for someone that deeply means something much much more.
The reason why romantic comedies don’t work anymore is primarily that events occur in the film that are not believable. Meaning something most people would never do. What im asking from a romantic film right? But im not asking for something that’s not possible, but give me something that will either make me laugh with that scene or make me tear up. Simple stupid scenes that are just there to move the plot along dosent move anything, it just drags an nonexistent plot knowhere. And makes us not sympathize with the characters for their dumb decisions.
Classic musical montage, little bit of silly romantic stuff which you cant avoid in the genre are in the film. But there is also some funny scenes and the most important factor the chemistry between Heigl and Butler is great. But as always the plot is predictable and ends too quickly. Wished every romantic comedy passed through the hands of Woody Allen or Richard Curtis for a re write because at least then it be more of a pleasure.
Review by Paul

The reason why romantic comedies don’t work anymore is primarily that events occur in the film that are not believable. Meaning something most people would never do. What im asking from a romantic film right? But im not asking for something that’s not possible, but give me something that will either make me laugh with that scene or make me tear up. Simple stupid scenes that are just there to move the plot along dosent move anything, it just drags an nonexistent plot knowhere. And makes us not sympathize with the characters for their dumb decisions.

I think you get my drift on my feelings about romantic comedies. I just want what my mom's generation had back in their time, quality even if the plot is a rehash of something else. I enjoyed the film as much as i did The Proposal and he’s just not that into you and that's the problem. Too much of the same lowers the rating for the film but still has a cute feeling and i believe most people will enjoy it even for its standard plot.

Personal Rating:

Endgame Lyrics
Attention! Attention! All citizens are ordered to report to their District detention centers! Do not return to your homes; do not contact anyone! Do not use any cellular or GPS devices! Surrender all weapons at once! Attention! This way to the camps!
I woke up in a black FEMA box
Darkness was all around me, in my coffin
My dreams are all nightmares anymore
And this is what I dream every night
The Leader of the New World Order, the President of the United States
Has declared anyone now residing inside the US of A
Without the RFID chip, you're just an illegal alien
An enemy combatant of America, welcome to the New World Order
This is the end of the road; this is the end of the line
This is the end of your life; this is the...
A society in a society, inside the fence life as you know it stops
They got their rules of conduct and we got ours
Be quick or be dead, you crumble up and die, the clock is
Ticking so slowly and so much can happen in an hour
I learned my lessons the hard way, every scar I earned
I had to bleed, inside the day yard
A system of controlled movement, like a giant ant farm
Any time is long time, now you're not in charge of your time anymore
The Ex-President signed a secret bill that can
Land a legal US Citizen in jail and the
Patriot act stripped away our constitutional rights
They say a Concentration camp just popped up, yeah, right!
Refuse the chip? Ha! Get persecute and beat by the
Tyranny of Mind control, for the mark of the beast
All rights removed, you're punished, captured, and enslaved
Believe me when I say, "This IS the Endgame!"
Megadeth Endgame lyrics
I woke up in a black FEMA box
Darkness was all around me, in my coffin
My dreams are all nightmares anymore
And this is what I dream every night
The Leader of the New World Order, the President of the United States
Has declared anyone now residing inside the US of A
Without the RFID chip, you're just an illegal alien
An enemy combatant of America, welcome to the New World Order
This is the end of the road; this is the end of the line
This is the end of your life; this is the...
A society in a society, inside the fence life as you know it stops
They got their rules of conduct and we got ours
Be quick or be dead, you crumble up and die, the clock is
Ticking so slowly and so much can happen in an hour
I learned my lessons the hard way, every scar I earned
I had to bleed, inside the day yard
A system of controlled movement, like a giant ant farm
Any time is long time, now you're not in charge of your time anymore
The Ex-President signed a secret bill that can
Land a legal US Citizen in jail and the
Patriot act stripped away our constitutional rights
They say a Concentration camp just popped up, yeah, right!
Refuse the chip? Ha! Get persecute and beat by the
Tyranny of Mind control, for the mark of the beast
All rights removed, you're punished, captured, and enslaved
Believe me when I say, "This IS the Endgame!"
Megadeth Endgame lyrics
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Life During Wartime
Heard about Houston? Heard about Detroit?
Heard about Pittsburgh, PA?
don't want to catch no disease
Try to be careful, don't take no chances,
you better watch what you say
Heard of a van that is loaded with weapons,
packed up and ready to go
Heard of some gravesites, out by the highway,
a place where nobody knows
The sound of gunfire, off in the distance,
I'm getting used to it now
Lived in a brownstore, lived in the ghetto,
I've lived all over this town
This ain't no party, this ain't no disco,
this ain't no fooling around
No time for dancing, or lovey dovey,
I ain't got time for that now
Transmit the message, to the receiver,
hope for an answer some day
I got three passports, a couple of visas,
you don't even know my real name
High on a hillside, the trucks are loading,
everything's ready to roll
I sleep in the daytime, I work in the nightime,
I might not ever get home
This ain't no party, this ain't no disco,
this ain't no fooling around
This ain't no mudd club, or C. B. G. B.,
I ain't got time for that now
Heard about Houston? Heard about Detroit?
Heard about Pittsburgh, PA?
You oughta know not to stand by the window
somebody might see you up there
I got some groceries, some peant butter,
to last a couple of days
But I ain't got no speakers, ain't got no
headphones, ain't got no records to play
Why stay in college? Why go to night school?
Gonna be different this time
Can't write a letter, can't send a postcard,
I can't write nothing at all
This ain't no party, this ain't no disco,
this ain't no fooling around
I'd like to kiss you, I'd love you hold you
I ain't got no time for that now
Trouble in transit, got through the roadblock,
we blended with the crowd
We got computer, we're tapping phone lines,
I know that ain't allowed
We dress like students, we dress like housewives,
or in a suit and a tie
I changed my hairstyle, so many times now,
I don't know what I look like!
You make me shiver, I feel so tender,
we make a pretty good team
Don't get exhausted, I'll do some driving,
you ought to get some sleep
Get you instructions, follow directions,
then you should change your address
Maybe tomorrow, maybe the next day,
whatever you think is best
Burned all my notebooks, what good are
notebooks? They won't help me survive
My chest is aching, burns like a furnace,
the burning keeps me alive
Try to stay healthy, physical fitness,
don't want to catch no disease
Try to be careful, don't take no chances,
you better watch what you say
Heard about Pittsburgh, PA?
don't want to catch no disease
Try to be careful, don't take no chances,
you better watch what you say
Heard of a van that is loaded with weapons,
packed up and ready to go
Heard of some gravesites, out by the highway,
a place where nobody knows
The sound of gunfire, off in the distance,
I'm getting used to it now
Lived in a brownstore, lived in the ghetto,
I've lived all over this town
This ain't no party, this ain't no disco,
this ain't no fooling around
No time for dancing, or lovey dovey,
I ain't got time for that now
Transmit the message, to the receiver,
hope for an answer some day
I got three passports, a couple of visas,
you don't even know my real name
High on a hillside, the trucks are loading,
everything's ready to roll
I sleep in the daytime, I work in the nightime,
I might not ever get home
This ain't no party, this ain't no disco,
this ain't no fooling around
This ain't no mudd club, or C. B. G. B.,
I ain't got time for that now
Heard about Houston? Heard about Detroit?
Heard about Pittsburgh, PA?
You oughta know not to stand by the window
somebody might see you up there
I got some groceries, some peant butter,
to last a couple of days
But I ain't got no speakers, ain't got no
headphones, ain't got no records to play
Why stay in college? Why go to night school?
Gonna be different this time
Can't write a letter, can't send a postcard,
I can't write nothing at all
This ain't no party, this ain't no disco,
this ain't no fooling around
I'd like to kiss you, I'd love you hold you
I ain't got no time for that now
Trouble in transit, got through the roadblock,
we blended with the crowd
We got computer, we're tapping phone lines,
I know that ain't allowed
We dress like students, we dress like housewives,
or in a suit and a tie
I changed my hairstyle, so many times now,
I don't know what I look like!
You make me shiver, I feel so tender,
we make a pretty good team
Don't get exhausted, I'll do some driving,
you ought to get some sleep
Get you instructions, follow directions,
then you should change your address
Maybe tomorrow, maybe the next day,
whatever you think is best
Burned all my notebooks, what good are
notebooks? They won't help me survive
My chest is aching, burns like a furnace,
the burning keeps me alive
Try to stay healthy, physical fitness,
don't want to catch no disease
Try to be careful, don't take no chances,
you better watch what you say
Antichrist (2009)

writer: Lars Von Trier
starring: Willem Dafoe, Charlotte Gainsbourg
genre: Drama, Horror
Now Antichrist didn’t help me at all on changing my opinion on Lars Von Trier. After Dogville which I wasn't fond of, I found now a new film to dislike even more and it’s called Antichrist. You can take this film in any way you want. Because many have. Few have characterized it as an incredible masterpiece others as garbage. Ill go with the second.
A couple called He (Willem Dafoe) and She (Charlotte Gainsbourg) go to a cabin in the woods after their son’s death. She confronting her grief He tries his best at soothing her pain as a therapist. But the woods and she hold many secrets and visions and horrific events will affect this couple dearly.
The film starts of with a beautiful b&w sequence where their child dies and you’re left with the impression hmm this film looks good, artistic lets see where it takes us. Then from a grief story it goes into the realm of sadistic, grotesque, misogynist nonsense. The story goes on that she takes pills, then she had a thesis paper about evil women, then something about religion. Does any of this matter or make sense? No. Things let just say happen in the woods and they are freaky and have no explanation.
If you think American horror slasher films go to far and and that their audience is a bunch amoral morons, here comes same crap from a cultured European director that does the same for a bunch people looking for needle in the haystack to find a meaning when blood and all kinds of other filth is happening on screen. The scenes in the film are probably the most outrageous, provocative ive seen yet in a film. All extreme to make audience feel what? And I ask again what? And I cant even say the atrocities because they are so offensive towards women especially, also audiences and animals and I'm not kidding.
How more self indulgent can Mr. Von Trier be and I quote he said:
“Antichrist was filmed and finished without much enthusiasm, made as it was using about half of my physical and intellectual capacity.”
Because of his depression he said this. Really? So if you weren’t depressed you would have made a masterpiece. Come on. Did he really have to say that? And this is before he said at the Cannes film festival
“I am the best film director in the world” “All the others are overrated, so that’s quite simple.”
After the film had gotten bad press he said all of this. Lars Von Trier you would be the best director, maybe if your ego didn’t foreshadow your talent. Also how could you not be a misogynist or called one? After Dogville and now Antichrist how the hell could any woman see one of your films with a opened mind.

To conclude many might wonder and say I don’t like artistic films. That I don’t get them and that I just like comic book movies. Well no. I like artsy stuff just not self indulgent crap from egoists who try to play it cool and give a slow paced film with no true story, terrible violent acts and with meanings that don’t attract or satisfy me. I love David Lynch, I enjoy Fellini films, I adore Chaplin but Lars Von Trier you’re just overrated. Antichrist has good performances, a great opening and some interesting visuals. Even if the film was underlined with layers of glorious messages it still doesn’t make this into a good film in my opinion. If you’re not into cultural artistic European cinema don’t even bother seeing this film.
P.S. This is my opinion. This not a attack to Von Trier fans. It's just my opinion on the man and his work. Anybody who likes the film is entitled to their opinion as well. Art is to the eye of the beholder. To one can be glorious and masterful to another garbage and a waste. Can something be both? Of course it can. So enjoy!
Personal Rating:

Review by Paul
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Preventive Detention
John Byrne
Raw Story
Septmeber 24, 2009
President Barack Obama has quietly decided to bypass Congress and allow the indefinite detention of terrorist suspects without charges.
The move, which was controversial when the idea was first floated in The Washington Post in May, has sparked serious concern among civil liberties advocates. Such a decision allows the president to unilaterally hold “combatants” without habeas corpus — a legal term literally meaning “you shall have the body” — which forces prosecutors to charge a suspect with a crime to justify the suspect’s detention.
Obama’s decision was buried on page A 23 of The New York Times’ New York edition on Thursday. It didn’t appear on that page in the national edition. (Meanwhile, the front page was graced with the story, “Richest Russian’s Newest Toy: An N.B.A. Team.”)
Rather than seek approval from Congress to hold some 50 Guantanamo detainees indefinitely, the administration has decided that it has the authority to hold the prisoners under broad-ranging legislation passed in the wake of Sept. 11, 2001. Former President George W. Bush frequently invoked this legislation as the justification for controversial legal actions — including the NSA’s warrantless wiretapping program.
“The administration will continue to hold the detainees without bringing them to trial based on the power it says it has under the Congressional resolution passed after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, authorizing the president to use force against forces of Al Qaeda and the Taliban,” the Times‘ Peter Baker writes. “In concluding that it does not need specific permission from Congress to hold detainees without charges, the Obama administration is adopting one of the arguments advanced by the Bush administration in years of debates about detention policies.”
Constitutional scholar and columnist Glenn Greenwald discussed the policy in a column in May. He warned that the ability for a president to “preventively” detain suspects could mushroom into broader, potentially abusive activity.
“It does not merely allow the U.S. Government to imprison people alleged to have committed Terrorist acts yet who are unable to be convicted in a civilian court proceeding,” Greenwald wrote. “That class is merely a subset, perhaps a small subset, of who the Government can detain. Far more significant, ‘preventive detention’ allows indefinite imprisonment not based on proven crimes or past violations of law, but of those deemed generally ‘dangerous’ by the Government for various reasons
Raw Story
Septmeber 24, 2009
President Barack Obama has quietly decided to bypass Congress and allow the indefinite detention of terrorist suspects without charges.
The move, which was controversial when the idea was first floated in The Washington Post in May, has sparked serious concern among civil liberties advocates. Such a decision allows the president to unilaterally hold “combatants” without habeas corpus — a legal term literally meaning “you shall have the body” — which forces prosecutors to charge a suspect with a crime to justify the suspect’s detention.
Obama’s decision was buried on page A 23 of The New York Times’ New York edition on Thursday. It didn’t appear on that page in the national edition. (Meanwhile, the front page was graced with the story, “Richest Russian’s Newest Toy: An N.B.A. Team.”)
Rather than seek approval from Congress to hold some 50 Guantanamo detainees indefinitely, the administration has decided that it has the authority to hold the prisoners under broad-ranging legislation passed in the wake of Sept. 11, 2001. Former President George W. Bush frequently invoked this legislation as the justification for controversial legal actions — including the NSA’s warrantless wiretapping program.
“The administration will continue to hold the detainees without bringing them to trial based on the power it says it has under the Congressional resolution passed after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, authorizing the president to use force against forces of Al Qaeda and the Taliban,” the Times‘ Peter Baker writes. “In concluding that it does not need specific permission from Congress to hold detainees without charges, the Obama administration is adopting one of the arguments advanced by the Bush administration in years of debates about detention policies.”
Constitutional scholar and columnist Glenn Greenwald discussed the policy in a column in May. He warned that the ability for a president to “preventively” detain suspects could mushroom into broader, potentially abusive activity.
“It does not merely allow the U.S. Government to imprison people alleged to have committed Terrorist acts yet who are unable to be convicted in a civilian court proceeding,” Greenwald wrote. “That class is merely a subset, perhaps a small subset, of who the Government can detain. Far more significant, ‘preventive detention’ allows indefinite imprisonment not based on proven crimes or past violations of law, but of those deemed generally ‘dangerous’ by the Government for various reasons
French Nurses

According to a survey by the French national union of professionally qualified nurses (SNPI CFE-CGC), 65% of all nurses in France will refuse the “swine flu” vaccine over safety concerns.
The results of a survey of 4,107 nurses which was conducted on September 16th show that only 26% of French nurses will accept the H1N1 vaccine with a further 9% still undecided.
The protests of nurses appear to be impacting on the French Health Minister, who has indicated she might drop plans to give vaccines with adjuvants to pregnant women.
Thierry Amouroux, Secretary General of SNPI CFE-CGC, said that injecting 94 million doses of the H1N1 vaccine into the population as the French government plans to do poses a “public health problem” because the “swine flu” vaccine has been produced “rapidly in a weak regulatory framework with the undeniable presence of adjuvants.”
He said that it was the duty of nurses to give proper information to the general public so that “everyone can make their own decision in full knowledge of the issue and with free and informed consent.”
This is a press release from the French national nurses’ union dated September 20th
The Boat That Rocked (2009)
director : Richard Curtis
writer : Richard Curtis
starring : Bill Nighy | Kenneth Branagh | Philip Seymour Hoffman | Nick Frost | Tom Sturridge | Rhys Ifans | Rhys Darby | Tom Brooke | Chris O'Dowd | Tom Wisdom
genre : Comedy, Music
Η Ιστορία:
Με λίγα και καλά λόγια, το The Boat That Rocked ασχολείται με το πώς ένας “πειρατικός” ραδιοφωνικός σταθμός( εν πλώ!) στην Αγγλία κατάφερε να κερδίσει τον κόσμο, με τις ιδιαίτερες προσωπικότητες των συντελεστών του, τα άπειρα μποφόρ μούρλιας που κουβαλούσαν και φυσικά με το Rock And Roll!!Όλα αυτά βέβαια, βρισκόμενοι στην αντίπερα όχθη με την κυβέρνηση, η οποία θεωρώντας το όλο εγχείρημα τους ανεπίτρεπτο και βλάσφημο είχε βάλει σκοπό να τους κλείσει και να δώσει τέλος στον άμετρο ενθουσιασμό τους όπως και του βρετανικού κοινού κάθε ηλικίας..
Η Κριτική:
Αγαπητοί μας αναγνώστες, ειλικρινά (δεν ξέρω αν θα το ξαναπώ αυτό με τόση άνεση για κάποια ταινία), το The Boat That Rocked με άφησε με το στόμα ανοιχτό από το πρώτο κιόλας λεπτό και χώρις να μπορώ να αντιδράσω, συνέχισα να παρασύρομαι από αυτόν τον κινηματογραφικό χείμαρο.
Όλα ξεκινούν μόλις ο νεαρός Carl (Tom Sturridge), βαφτισιμιός του ιδρυτή του Radio Rock ανεβαίνει στο πλοίο για να ξεκόψει από κάποιες κακές συνήθειες, οι οποίες τον αποβάλλουν από το σχολείο του. Εκεί θα συναντήσει τους ιδιόρυθμους μα συνάμα διάσημους στο αγγλικό κοινό παραγωγούς του Radio Rock και θα μπεί και αυτός με την σειρά του στο όλο τρυπάκι τους..
Στην ταινία προφανώς κανείς προσέχει το όνομα του για άλλη μια φορά εκπληκτικού Philip Seymour Hoffman, ή αλλιώς The Count . Όμως δεν πρέπει να μείνετε εκεί μιας και δεν αποτελεί τον πρωταγωνιστή, μα ένα κομμάτι του συνόλου που καταφέρνει να δέσει τόσο καλά μεταξύ του, προσφέρωντας αυτή την μαγευτική κινηματογραφική απόπειρα.
Η ταινία διαδραματίζεται στα 60's ,με αποτέλεσμα τα σκηνικά, τα κοστούμια και γενικότερα το όλο κλίμα να είναι ανάλογο της εποχής, δημιουργώντας ένα κλίμα νοσταλγίας και ροκ ενθουσιασμού. Προσωπικά εντυπωσιάστηκα από τις κάμερες και την φωτογραφία του The Boat That Rocked, κάτι που πιστέψτε με, το λέω σπάνια για ταινία.
Όσον αφορά τις ερμηνείες τώρα. Η ταινία δεν είναι κωμωδία διαλογής σαν όλες αυτές που βγαίνουν τα τελευταία χρόνια. Προσωπικά δεν θα την ονομάσω καν κωμωδία, αλλά κομεντί εποχής με μια δόση από όλα τα κινηματογραφικά είδη, χωρίς όμως να χάνει την ταυτότητα της .Σε όλο αυτό λοιπόν, το τρομερό cast που αποτελεί το The Boat That Rocked, εκτινάσσει τα επίπεδα γέλιου, δράματος, ρομαντισμού κλπ, σε ύψη που πολύ λίγοι μπορούν να φτάσουν και άν προσέξετε, το μόνο μεγάλο της αστέρι είναι ο Hoffman!
Σκηνοθετικά η ταινία δεν με κούρασε σε κανένα της σημείο και ειλικρινά απόρρησα, με το πως με ένα τέτοιο σενάριο, που ούτε σκοπός του είναι να χτίσει suspense , ούτε να αναλωθεί σε διαλόγους μισής ώρας, προσπαθώντας να οδηγήσει τον θεατή σε κάποιο βαθύτερο νόημα, καταφέρνει να σε κρατήσει με τα μάτια καρφωμένα στην οθόνη. Αυτή είναι και η μαγεία άν επιτρέπετε, με όλο αυτό να δείχνει ότι έχουμε απογειώσει ταινίες που δεν θα έπρεπε, μόνο και μόνο επειδή μας έκαναν να γελάσουμε για κάποια λεπτά.
Θέλω να κλείσω εδώ, λέγοντας σας αγαπημένοι μου επαναστάτες, ότι όποιος δεν δει αυτήν την ταινία θα είναι άξιος της μοίρας του, μιας και δεν αποτελεί κλισέ σε κανένα κινηματογραφικό επίπεδο και ειλικρινά θα σας κάνει να περάσετε δύο πανέμορφες ώρες (ειδικά άν γουστάρετε τα ροκενρολίδια), δείχνοντας σας το πώς γίνεται η φάση..
Δείτε την με καλή παρέα και με 5 μπύρες τουλάχιστον παραμάσχαλα!
Rock And Roll Motherfuckers ! ! ! !
Προσωπική βαθμολογία:
Review by Kapapi
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.)
By Daphne Eviatar~Washington Independent
Just in case he wasn’t familiar with it, Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) decided to read the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution to David Kris, assistant attorney general of the Justice Department’s National Security Division, who was testifying to the Senate Judiciary Committee today to urge reauthorization of expiring provisions of the USA Patriot Act.
Noting that he received a copy of the Constitution when he was sworn in as a senator, he proceeded to read it to Kris, emphasizing this part: “no Warrants shall issue but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”
“That’s pretty explicit language,” noted Franken, asking Kris how the “roving wiretap” provision of the Patriot Act can meet that requirement if it doesn’t require the government to name its target.
Just in case he wasn’t familiar with it, Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) decided to read the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution to David Kris, assistant attorney general of the Justice Department’s National Security Division, who was testifying to the Senate Judiciary Committee today to urge reauthorization of expiring provisions of the USA Patriot Act.
Noting that he received a copy of the Constitution when he was sworn in as a senator, he proceeded to read it to Kris, emphasizing this part: “no Warrants shall issue but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”
“That’s pretty explicit language,” noted Franken, asking Kris how the “roving wiretap” provision of the Patriot Act can meet that requirement if it doesn’t require the government to name its target.
Adventureland (2009)
writer: Greg Mottola
starring: Jesse Eisenberg, Kristen Stewart, Bill Hader, Kristen Wing, Ryan Reynolds
genre: Comedy, Drama
Seeing this film left me with no bad feelings. I enjoyed it. But only that it could have been so much more with some changes. The director of Superbad brings us something different this time around with a down to earth comedy-drama with no huge laughs but with charmable characters and a interesting dramatic story in the background that even though it lacks true drama and depth and drags the story it still makes out for a very smart and fun film.
starring: Jesse Eisenberg, Kristen Stewart, Bill Hader, Kristen Wing, Ryan Reynolds
genre: Comedy, Drama
Seeing this film left me with no bad feelings. I enjoyed it. But only that it could have been so much more with some changes. The director of Superbad brings us something different this time around with a down to earth comedy-drama with no huge laughs but with charmable characters and a interesting dramatic story in the background that even though it lacks true drama and depth and drags the story it still makes out for a very smart and fun film.
While watching the film I was constanly enjoying the how sweet and genuily true these characters were. They are well written and acted. This is the primary reason the film is so good to see. Also with Mottola’s serious directing of dramatic scens and some clever joke make the film an interesting experience.
But all of that just makes it into a very simple film also the fact that while your seeing it you wonder where's the story going. You hope for a more meaningful and better ending to it by the end. But thats not what you get. Its a fun film that sadly drags the plot to a 2 hour mark that was not necessary. I wish it was more condescend in its drama and storytelling.

Personal Rating:

Monday, September 21, 2009
Enter the Dragon (1973)
director: Robert Clouse
writing: Michael Allin
starring: Bruce Lee, John Saxon, Jim Kelly
genre: Action, Crime, Drama
Ο Paul είχε κάνει ένα μινι-αφιέρωμα στις "Νύχτες Πρεμιέρας" πριν από κάποιες μέρες. Στη συγκεκριμένη διοργάνωση, λοιπόν, στην κατηγορία "Cult" ανήκει και τούτη εδώ η ταινία. Ψυχισμός και δύναμη, μάχες και πνευματικότητα, πάθη και προδοσίες συνθέτουν έναν μικρόκοσμο μέσα σε ένα πολύ γραφικό κινέζικο περιβάλλον. Ας μην μακρηγορούμε, όμως, και ας περάσουμε στα της ταινίας. Το story πάει κάπως έτσι:
Ο Lee, δάσκαλος πολεμικών τεχνών και μέλος του Ναού των Shaolin, δέχεται να γίνει κατάσκοπος στο νησί του Han, έπειτα από προτροπή της μυστικής υπηρεσίας. Ο Han είναι ο μοναδικός Shaolin μαθητής ο οποίος έχει διαφορετικά φρονήματα συγκριτικά με τους κανόνες των Shaolin. Στο νησί του διοργανώνει πρωταθλήματα πολεμικών τεχνών για να συγκαλύψει την επιχείρηση επεξεργασίας και παραγωγής οπίου. Στο νησί βρίσκονται και οι Roper και Williams, φίλοι από τον πόλεμο του Vietnam, για διαφορετικό λόγο ο καθένας. Το ερώτημα είναι αν ο Lee θα συμμορφωθεί ή όχι με τους κανόνες του τουρνουά...
Με προβληματίζει πολύ το γεγονός της κριτικής της σκηνοθεσίας...Για δύο, κυρίως, λόγους:
1)Γιατί όλοι γνωρίζουμε ότι αναπόσπαστο κομμάτι των συγκεκριμένων φιλμ είναι το ανελέητο και "κουφό" ξύλο και
2)Γιατί χωρίς τον τόνο και τη σημασία που του δίνεται η ταινία θα ήταν κάποια επίπεδα πίσω ποιοτικά
Γι' αυτούς ακριβώς τους λόγους, θα χωρίσουμε την κριτική της σκηνοθεσίας σε δύο μέρη:
Μέρος 1: Αντικειμενική κριτική βάσει του συνόλου της ταινίας
Από αυτή την οπτική γωνία, η σκηνοθεσία ήταν φανταστική. Αποτυπωνόταν απόλυτα το κλίμα της εποχής, ο κινέζικος πολιτισμός, η καθημερινότητα όλων των ανθρώπων που συμμετείχαν στις σκηνές καθώς και τα ήθη, τα έθιμα και οι παραδοσιακές ενδυμασίες της εποχής(που διατηρούνται μέχρι και σήμερα). Είχε σημεία πάρα πολύ επαγγελματικά και μοντέρνα για τη δεκαετία του '70 ( η ταινία είναι του 1973) και σου περνούσε όλη την ένταση της μάχης και της κατάστασης που βρίσκονταν οι ηθοποιοί. Μπορούσες να "μυρίσεις" τον κινέζικο αέρα από την οθόνη σου, να ζαλιστείς από αυτόν.
Μέρος 2: Κριτική βάσει του συγκεκριμένου είδους
Ο χαρακτηριστικός ήχος της-ας πούμε- "υπερηχητικής" κλωτσομπουνιάς κυριαρχούσε, και καλά έκανε..!Απλά, το θέμα είναι ότι στις μάχες, με τόσα άτομα να συμμετέχουν και τόσες πολλές κινήσεις και λεπτομέρειες που πρέπει να πιάσει το μάτι σου, ακόμα και η μεγάλη εμπειρία που έχει ο σκηνοθέτης εξαπατάται από έναν διαφορετικό "δαίμονα του τυπογραφείου". Θέλω να καταλήξω στο ότι έβλεπες ανθρώπους να έχουν μια φυσιολογική αντίδραση στις γροθιές που δέχονται πριν ακόμα αυτή φτάσει στο πρόσωπο ή σε κάποιο άλλο σημείο του σώματός τους..! Παρόλ' αυτά, το φαινόμενο είναι πολύ συχνό σε αυτό το στυλ ταινιών και φτάνουμε σε σημείο να μην το θεωρούμε κατακριτέο, αλλά δεν συμφωνούμε και δεν επιθυμούμε και την ύπαρξή του.
Ως προς το σενάριο, τώρα, οι προσδοκίες μου ήταν πιο χαμηλές από αυτό που τελικά συνάντησα. Είναι πολύ σημαντικό το ότι αποτυπώνεται, στα 98' που διαρκεί, ένα μεγάλο μέρος της φιλοσοφίας των Shaolin και του ρόλου που παίζει το πνεύμα στα πλαίσια οποιασδήποτε πολεμικής τέχνης. Πολλά γνωμικά διατυπώνονται, με βαθύ νόημα το καθένα τους. Μην ξεχνάμε, άλλωστε, ότι ο Bruce Lee, εκτός από ηθοποιός και ειδήμων στις πολεμικές τέχνες, ήταν και φιλόσοφος. Αυτό σε συνδυασμό με την φιλοσοφία των Shaolin μας βοηθάει να κατανοήσουμε το συνολικό πλαίσιο στο οποίο κινείται.
Ηθοποιία:Οι κύριοι πρωταγωνιστές στέκονταν πολύ καλά αναλογικά με την "πυγμή" που έπρεπε να παρουσιάσουν στο φιλμ. Ο μόνος που θεωρώ ότι σε κάποια σημεία υστερούσε ήταν ο Han(Shih Kien).Από 'κει και πέρα, οι κομπάρσοι(μαθητές, καρατέγκα και "δούλες πολυτελείας") ήταν πότε καλοί και πότε μέτριοι. Αλλά και πάλι λέω ότι αυτά δεν είναι, κατά την γνώμη μου, τόσο κατακριτέα σε μια ταινία αυτού του είδους.
Για τη μουσική μπορούμε να πούμε πολύ καλά πράγματα. Όπως γίνεται κατανοητό, κυριαρχεί το στοιχείο της κινέζικης παράδοσης συνυφασμένο με μοντέρνους ήχους παραμορφωμένης ηλεκτρικής και ήπιων beat.
Είναι μια πολύ ενδιαφέρουσα ταινία για όλους νομίζω, είτε φαν του είδους είτε όχι. Έχει πολύ ωραίο "χρώμα", αρκετή δράση και όμορφα διδάγματα σε κάποια σημεία.
Αν τελικά την δείτε, καλή προβολή..!
"Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it."
Bruce Lee
Προσωπική Βαθμολογία:

Review by Sanm
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Little Tony's Foreign Policy
Little Tony was sitting on a park bench munching on one candy bar after another. After the 6th candy bar, a man on the bench across from him said, "Son, you know eating all that candy isn't good for you. It will give you acne, rot your teeth, and make you fat."
Little Tony replied, "My grandfather lived to be 107 years old."
The man asked, "Did your grandfather eat 6 candy bars at a time?"
Little Tony answered, "No, he minded his own stinking business."
Little Tony replied, "My grandfather lived to be 107 years old."
The man asked, "Did your grandfather eat 6 candy bars at a time?"
Little Tony answered, "No, he minded his own stinking business."
National Platform of the Libertarian Party
1.0 Personal Liberty
Individuals should be free to make choices for themselves and to accept responsibility for the consequences of the choices they make. No individual, group, or government may initiate force against any other individual, group, or government. Our support of an individual's right to make choices in life does not mean that we necessarily approve or disapprove of those choices.
1.5 Crime and Justice
Government exists to protect the rights of every individual including life, liberty and property. Criminal laws should be limited to violation of the rights of others through force or fraud, or deliberate actions that place others involuntarily at significant risk of harm. Individuals retain the right to voluntarily assume risk of harm to themselves. We support restitution of the victim to the fullest degree possible at the expense of the criminal or the negligent wrongdoer. We oppose reduction of constitutional safeguards of the rights of the criminally accused. The rights of due process, a speedy trial, legal counsel, trial by jury, and the legal presumption of innocence until proven guilty, must not be denied. We assert the common-law right of juries to judge not only the facts but also the justice of the law.
1.6 Self-Defense
The only legitimate use of force is in defense of individual rights — life, liberty, and justly acquired property — against aggression. This right inheres in the individual, who may agree to be aided by any other individual or group. We affirm the right to keep and bear arms, and oppose the prosecution of individuals for exercising their rights of self-defense. We oppose all laws at any level of government requiring registration of, or restricting, the ownership, manufacture, or transfer or sale of firearms or ammunition.
3.7 Self-Determination
Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of individual liberty, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to agree to such new governance as to them shall seem most likely to protect their liberty.
1.0 Personal Liberty
Individuals should be free to make choices for themselves and to accept responsibility for the consequences of the choices they make. No individual, group, or government may initiate force against any other individual, group, or government. Our support of an individual's right to make choices in life does not mean that we necessarily approve or disapprove of those choices.
1.5 Crime and Justice
Government exists to protect the rights of every individual including life, liberty and property. Criminal laws should be limited to violation of the rights of others through force or fraud, or deliberate actions that place others involuntarily at significant risk of harm. Individuals retain the right to voluntarily assume risk of harm to themselves. We support restitution of the victim to the fullest degree possible at the expense of the criminal or the negligent wrongdoer. We oppose reduction of constitutional safeguards of the rights of the criminally accused. The rights of due process, a speedy trial, legal counsel, trial by jury, and the legal presumption of innocence until proven guilty, must not be denied. We assert the common-law right of juries to judge not only the facts but also the justice of the law.
1.6 Self-Defense
The only legitimate use of force is in defense of individual rights — life, liberty, and justly acquired property — against aggression. This right inheres in the individual, who may agree to be aided by any other individual or group. We affirm the right to keep and bear arms, and oppose the prosecution of individuals for exercising their rights of self-defense. We oppose all laws at any level of government requiring registration of, or restricting, the ownership, manufacture, or transfer or sale of firearms or ammunition.
3.7 Self-Determination
Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of individual liberty, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to agree to such new governance as to them shall seem most likely to protect their liberty.
An Illinois sheriff this week is seeking to reverse a board decision reinstating three officers in Tazewell county, Illinois despite this shocking video tape. On the video, Sergeant Richard Johnston, and correctional officers Jeffery Bieber and Justin Piro are shown beating Becky Behm after she was arrested on a charge of driving under the influence of alcohol October 17, 2008.
A ruling of the Tazewell County Sheriff’s Merit Commission found that the three officers did not use excessive force.
Tazewell County Sheriff Robert Huston, to his credit, expressed disbelief at the ruling: “It is apparent that they viewed the video of the incident and found nothing wrong with the actions of these officers. It is shocking that they would come to a conclusion like that after viewing this video. I’m telling you here and now that’s not acceptable. We do five thousand bookings a year in this jail and this does not happen here.”
Huston is asking for the decision for reinstatement be reversed by a court
Saturday, September 19, 2009
G.I. Joe - Rise of Cobra (2009)
writer: Stuart Beattie, David Elliot, Paul Lovett
starring: Channing Tatum, Marlon Wayans, Joseph Gordon- Levitt, Christoper Eccleston, Sienna Miller, Dennis Quaid
genre: Action, Adventure, Sci-fi
Never was a big G.I. Joe fan. Did play with the toys a little but never got stuck like others. Also never got stuck to the animated series. The film adaption maintains some key elements and distorts other elements in the story it manages to become laughable farce that’s up there in land of Moonaraker as quite god awfully preposterous.

In the film we get numerous character moments which aren’t bad. There actually the best part of the film. The problem is the ludicrous plot and zany action. Like I said it’s a preposterous as Moonaraker. I never liked super hyped up tech and action. Always thought it was unnecessary. Not that the action is terrible but its never cool nor mind blowing. For its budget everything is pretty standard with super guns and fast tech suits that were pretty lame.
But the biggest problem is some of crazy ideas they had. For example the reason Cobra becomes a psycho scientist is because he saw a code for nano tech that made him realize how to do something. A normal guy, a soldier sees something and automatically he goes loony. Or towards the end of the film Ripcord is in one of Destro's created cobra planes. He can’t fire the weapon so Scarlett (Rachel Nichols) has the idea because Destro is Scottish with Gaelic ancestors he put a vocal password for fire in Gaelic. Really? First who would do that? And second how the hell could you think of that and third why couldn't the writer think of something better.

Another Hasbro toy line, another remembered animated show goes down the drain. Any potential to make a Joe film was lost with putting numb nuts and people who don’t care in charge. Like Transformers here we see the mutilation of our childhood from Hollywood on different projects. Let’s just see how He-Man. Thundercats and another Teenage Mutant Ninga Turtles film do. Because after this and all previous other films can you really have faith in Hollywood.
Personal Rating:

Review by Paul
Rachel Getting Married (2008)
director: Jonathan Demme
writer: Jenny Lumet
starring: Anne Hathaway | Bill Irwin | Rosemarie DeWitt
genre: Drama | Romance
Η Ιστορία:
Ναρκομανής, εθισμένη και ψυχολογικά προβληματική κοπέλα που ακούει στο όνομα Kym, επιστρέφει στο πατρικό της έπειτα από αρκετούς μήνες σε κλινική αποτοξίνωσης, δύο μέρες πρίν από τον γάμο της αδερφής της (Rachel). Εκεί θα βρεθεί αντιμέτωπη με τον οικογενειακό και εξίσου προβληματικό με αυτήν περίγυρο της και έπειτα από μια αλληλουχία γεγονότων που κάνουν την ατμόσφαιρα όλο και πιο φορτισμένη, θα βρεθεί στο επίκεντρο των γεγονότων, συνεχίζοντας να είναι κλεισμένη στο κουτί της που τόσο πολύ ευαισθητοποιεί τον πατέρα της και απομακρύνει όλους τους άλλους..
Η Κριτική:
Ειλικρινά από τότε που βγήκε η ταινία και διάβασα την πλοκή της δεν μπορούσα να καταλάβω τις τόσο διθυραμβικές κριτικές που έπαιρνε από την πληθώρα του κινηματογραφικού κόσμου. Αποφάσισα λοιπόν και εγώ να κάτσω αναπαυτικά και να παρακολουθήσω τον γάμο της Rachel, που μάλιστα ήταν η αφορμή στο να προταθεί για χρυσό αγαλματάκι η Anne Hathaway!

Από το πρώτο 20λεπτο της ταινίας τα όσα έβλεπα με έκαναν να θέλω να σηκωθώ και να φύγω. Ο λόγος ;Πολύ απλά, αυτό που έβλεπα με έκανε να κοιτάζω συνεχώς το ρολόι μου, νομίζοντας ότι είχε περάσει καμια ώρα, ενώ στην ουσία παρακολουθούσα μονάχα δέκα λεπτά, σε συνδυασμό με τα αμέτρητα κλισέ, τα οποία περασμένα από το μπλέντερ της κινηματογραφικής κουλτούρας (και καλά) του σύγχρονου κινηματογράφου και σε συνάρτηση με την πάρα πολύ συνηθισμένη τεχνική της κάμερας στον ώμο με απογοήτευσαν.
Θα μου πείτε εδώ ότι ίσως να υπερβάλλω λιγάκι.Άς τα πάρουμε τότε με την σειρά τους τα πράγματα. Η ταινία λέγεται Rachel Getting Married και όχι Kym Getting Out Of Rehab. Εδώ βρίσκεται και το πρώτο λάθος κατ' εμέ.Όλη η ταινία περιστρέφεται γύρω από το πρόσωπο της Kym, που παρουσιάζεται σαν το τυπικό κατεστραμμένο κοριτσάκι, που σε αντίθεση με την μεγαλύτερη, επιτυχημένη και συνάμα σκύλα αδερφή της, προσπαθεί να επανενταχθεί στην ίδια της την οικογένεια. Άλλο ένα κλισέ αποτελεί ο πατέρας, ο οποίος αγαπάει πραγματικά την κόρη του και παρ' όλα τα όσα έχει προξενήσει στην οικογένεια του, αυτός την υποστηρίζει πιστά, κάτι που φέρνει στα όρια της την μεγαλύτερη του κόρη, που φοβάται ότι όλο αυτό θα χαλάσει την ομορφότερη μέρα της ζωής της. Άν όλα αυτά δεν τα έχετε ξαναδεί κάπου, τότε δεν ξέρω τι να πώ.
Ας συνεχίσουμε. Το όλο στήσιμο των σκηνών προσωπικά με κούρασε και με έκανε να απορήσω με αυτό που βλέπω ούκ ολίγες φορές. Στην όλη διάρκεια της ταινίας, τα πανηγύρια για το γάμο, οι κλισέ φιλοφρονήσεις προς το ζευγάρι, τα ηλίθια ανεκδοτάκια συγγενών και ότι άλλο μπορείτε να φανταστείτε έδιναν και έπαιρναν, καλύπτωντας πάνω από μισάωρο σε μια ταινία 2 παρά κάτι ωρών.
Εδώ θα μου πεί ο κουλτουρέ θεατής, ότι όλο αυτό ήθελε να δείξει την αντίθεση μεταξύ της σοβαρής κατάστασης που περνούσε η Kym και του χαρμόσυνου γεγονότος που ζούσε οι οικογένειά της και άλλα τέτοια κουλά..Ωραία, ας συμφωνήσουμε. Πώς όμως θέλει να κάτσω να παρακολουθήσω ένα κοινωνικό/οικογενειακό δράμα, όταν στην ουσία το μόνο που μου δείχνει για αυτό είναι ένα μισάωρο και μάλιστα όχι και τόσο καλά στημένο;
Στο Rachel Getting Married θα παρακολουθήσετε επίσης ένα συνοθύλευμα από εθνικότητες που παρουσιάζονται στον θεατή ώς καλεσμένοι του γάμου της Rachel με τον Sidney, ο οποίος είναι αφροαμερικανός και ζεί στην Χαβάη. Το πολυεθνικό λοιπόν γαμήλιο τραπέζι βρίσκεται στο κέντρο της οικογενειακής ταραχής και κατά την γνώμη μου αποτελεί ίσως ένα απο τα λιγοστά θετικά στοιχεία της ταινίας, μιας και η πληθώρα του αποτελείται από μη επαγγελματίες ηθοποιούς.
Όσον αφορά την μουσική της ταινίας έχω να πώ μόνο καλά λόγια, μιας και ήταν κομμάτι της ταινίας και όχι συμπλήρωμα της (οι καλεσμένοι του γαμπρού έπαιζαν σε όλη σχεδόν την διάρκεια της ταινίας κομμάτια κάθε είδους).
Θελω να κλείσω εδώ, με τα τελευταία μου λόγια για την ταινία να είναι τα εξής: Πραγματικά δεν θα καταλάβω ποτέ το γιατί σκηνοθέτες του επιπέδου του Demme, ο οποίος είναι ο σκηνοθέτης της Σιωπής Των Αμνών, να αναλώνονται με μετριότατα σενάρια και ψευτοκουλτουρέ σκηνικά.Δεν θα καταλάβω επίσης γιατί όποιος/α ηθοποιός παίξει τον ρόλο του κατεστραμμένου,του ηρωινομανή κλπ, να είναι άμεσα προτεινόμενος για αγαλματάκι.Πόσο μάλλον εδώ, με την Anne Hathaway, που άν και παίζει ίσως για πρώτη φορά κάτι το σοβαρό δεν καταφέρνει να πείσει.
Για τους λάτρες του κλασσικού δράματος και της άμετρης κουλτούρας δεν έχω παρά να την προτείνω ανεπιφύλακτα.Όλοι οι υπόλοιποι απλά μην ασχοληθείτε..
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Obama not all bad
I've been very critical of Obama but he gained a couple of points with me today. I always thought that the missile defense thing in Europe was a bad idea, kind of like poking a big bear with a stick. Agreeing to talk with Iran is also a good thing in my eyes, if it is sincere.
Up (2009)
directors: Pete Docter, Bob Peterson
writers: Pete Docter, Bob Peterson, Thomas McCarthy
starring: Edward Asner, Christopher Plummer, Jordan Nagai, Bob Peterson
genre: Animation, Adventure, Comedy, Family
Η νέα ταινία της Pixar αν και με εγκληματική, μπορώ να πω, καθυστέρηση τριών μηνών ήρθε επιτέλους στην Ελλάδα. Αλλά στα της ταινίας:
Όλα ξεκινάν όταν ο 78άχρονος Carl Fredricksen δένει στο σπίτι του χιλιάδες μπαλόνια και απογειώνεται με σκοπό να εκπληρώσει το όνειρο και να εξερευνήσει της ερημιές της Νότιας Αμερικής. Λίγο αφότου όμως έχει απογειωθεί αντιλαμβάνεται ότι δεν είναι μόνος του στο ταξίδι καθώς ένας επίμονος 8άχρονος προσκοπάκος ονόματι Russel έχει ξεμείνει στην εξώπορτά του. Μαζί λοιπόν θα ζήσουν την μεγάλη περιπέτεια και σε συνδυασμό με 2 ξεκαρδιστικά ζώα που θα βρούν στο δρόμο τους θα κληθούν να αντιμετωπίσουν τους κινδύνους και τις δυσκολίες που τους κρύβει η τύχη και το παρελθόν…
Τα πολλά λόγια περισσεύουν και το μόνο που μπορεί να ειπωθεί είναι ότι το πρώτο Όσκαρ δόθηκε και είμαι σίγουρος ότι αν στη θέση των ψηφιακών χαρακτήρων ήταν κανονικοί ηθοποιοί θα μπορούσαμε να μιλάμε για την ταινία που θα σάρωνε τα βραβεία. Αλλά αυτή είναι και η κατάρα των Animation films.
Η ταινία αυτή δεν αποτελεί αυτό που οι περισσότεροι περιμένετε, δεν είναι μια ανάλαφρη περιπέτεια ενός συμπαθούς γεράκου και ενός στρουμπουλού προσκόπου. Είναι κάτι πολύ παραπάνω. Οι χαρακτήρες έχουν ένα καταπληκτικό υπόβαθρο το οποίο προσωπικά μου δημιούργησε από τα πρώτα λεπτά ένα ξεχωριστό δέσιμο με τους πρωταγωνιστές, κάτι που ακόμα και ταινίες με κανονικούς ηθοποιούς δύσκολα σου δημιουργούν. Εκτός αυτού όμως τα νοήματα που η ταινία δε σταματάει να περνάει είναι απίστευτα και εξαίσια διατυπωμένα όπως ασφαλώς μόνο η Pixar ξέρει να διατυπώνει.
Και μετά αρχίζει η περιπέτεια! Καταπληκτικό χιούμορ για μικρούς και μεγάλους, φρέσκο και πρωτότυπο, ποτίζει κάθε διάλογο και κάθε σκηνή δημιουργώντας την ταινία και τους χαρακτήρες που σίγουρα ο θείος Walt θα περίμενε ως συνέχεια του εξαιρετικού Wall-e. Μόνο που αυτή η ταινία ανεβαίνει αρκετά σκαλιά πάνω από την ιστορία του συμπαθούς ρομπότ και ταυτόχρονα ανεβάζει τα στάνταρ και τις προσδοκίες που έχουμε από την Pixar.
Τα γραφικά και τα σκηνικά της ταινίας είναι τέλεια όπως όλοι περιμέναμε και η μουσική της είναι άψογη με το κλασσικό Habanera να κυριαρχεί στο soundtrack.
Εν κατακλείδι η ταινία αποτελεί μια συγκινητική και ταυτόχρονα ξεκαρδιστική περιπέτεια που αποδεικνύει ότι το είδος προσφέρετε και έχει την προοπτική για μεγάλα πράγματα στο μέλλον και για ακόμα μεγαλύτερα δημιουργήματα. Αν και την είδα σε 2D ήταν ένα αριστούργημα. Φαντάζομαι ότι σε 3D πολλά σημεία θα δείχνουν πολύ καλύτερα και πολύ πιο θεαματικά. ‘Όπως και να έχει όμως μέχρι στιγμής το Up αποτελεί μια από τις καλύτερες αν όχι τη καλύτερη ταινία Animation που έχω δει. Μη την χάσετε!!
Personal Rating:

Review by Gamapi
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