Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Streets of Blood (2009)

director: Charles Winkler
writer: Eugene Hess
starring: Val Kilmer, Curtis (50 Cent) Jackson, Sharon Stone, Michael Biehn
genre: Crime, Drama

Why do films like these exist? There is no real market for them, or audience. Its just for the random viewer to say "hmm, it has Val Kilmer, Sharon Stone and 50 Cent, why not, it might be interesting". But the problem is right their that they aren't very interesting. These straight to DVD films are in a way a disgrace, a waste of money and time on part of both the filmmakers and of unlucky renter/viewer.

Two cops Andy (Val Kilmer) and Stan (50 Cent) hook up and become partners right after the tragic events of Hurricane Katrina. They bond and decide to run the streets together. The story is about the dirty and corrupt police station of New Orleans. How the FBI that is on too them and the police station's psychiatrist Nina (Sharon Stone) who evaluates the police officers and trys to lead in the right direction of truth and justice. The story doesn't go any deeper than that. The film is a hollow waste, that containes no twists and just rehashes old police movie plots with no fresh mood or take and is also not a good enough story for it too be connected to the events of Katrina.

From movies like this you can’t really have expectations, you just hope for the best. I hate the fact that there is straight to DVD releases. It's as if these little production companies know that they make crap and still keep on making them for the profit of rentals. I don't know if their profit actually lets them continue in this cycle, but it creates boring and un-inspirational films that only help the actors in my opinion in only getting a paycheck so they can move on to a more serious indie production where they will get peanuts.

Streets of Blood is not tragicly bad, even though threw every second of this film you can feel the nonsense ooze out of it. From the cliches, to the terrible dialogue, the simple without effort performances, the supposed stylized bad directing and the non meangiful scipt with no real drama or purpose, the film just cant take it self seriously for a second. But why not give it a lower rating for being this bad you may ask. I will give the film some slack for being a rental film and for its role as just try to tell a simple story. But as I always say, that is not enough. It's still a boring film. I cant recommend this to anybody for the main reason, you will not get any sort of satisfaction in return. Even die hard fans of some of these fine actors should stay away because you will be bored to death by the big name actors dead performances.

Personal Rating:

Review by Paul

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