Saturday, June 27, 2009

Che Part 1: The Argentine (2008)

director: Steven Soderbergh

writers: Peter Buchman, Benjamin A. van der Veen

starring: Benicio Del Toro

genre: Biopic, Drama

Che Guevara’s story seems to have been aching to be made into a film. How is it that this revolutionary icon was not already immortalized on film? Well the truth is that it had to be the right guys who could do justice to his memory and at the same time make a somewhat of an different kind of biopic with more down to earth feel than most that we see.

Part 1 or just the “Argentine” takes place mostly during Cuban revolution. Che (Benicio Del Toro) rises in the Cuban army with his morale and rules that his men follow him for. We get to see also the first meeting between Castro and fellow revolutionaries as they plan for the Cuban revolution. Also the film flips back and forth from the revolution to Che’s time in New York where he addresses the United Nations adn have some very intense scenes. Throughout the film you hear Che giving an interview which gives insight into himself and what he think and acts like a voice over.

First of all this film has no propaganda or secret meanings at all. Which is a great thing. It shows the events as they happened. Events are taken as from Che’s memoirs and the filming of the events are in a very serious documentary style. A good choice by Soderbergh who makes into a very serious and dirty, down to earth tale of the fight for freedom in Cuba. Sometimes this method work but it fails somewhat in Part 2 of the story.

It’s sad how some films just get left out of spotlight because of their either controversial or of their truth telling nature. Not that this film is at all controversial in any bad manner. But because of its communist tale of freedom from oppressive dictators supported by the U.S.A. there is a reason why there was not a lot of publicity around it and could be the reason for why it was excluded from big award ceremonies like the Oscars or the Golden Globes.

Anybody who wants to see one of the gems of 2008 should check Che Part 1 and then go on too Part 2 to further the experience and see the final chapter in Che’s life memorable but also tragic life.

Personal Rating:

Review by Paul

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