Saturday, June 13, 2009

Wild Weather

I've seen a lot of storms in my time but I've never seen one like the one we had earlier this week. Cold fronts come through and it gets very windy for a short amount of time and they cause thunderstorms and sometimes tornadoes, I'm use to those. The other day it got very dark, like night. I had to turn of the lights at the Cookie Factory to see outside, so don't be surprised if, pretty soon, you get a fortune cookie with nothing inside or one with several fortunes in it. Anyway, the wind hit and was blowing about 80mph, really. It kept on blowing like that for 30 - 40 minutes.
It looked just like a hurricane. Rain was hitting a cylindrical tank and going straight up, a strange site indeed. Some great big pecan trees, probably 50 - 100 years old, were uprooted. They can handle 80mph winds for a short time but not for 40 minutes. Branches were down everywhere, it was a mess.

The weather has been very strange lately. A small tornado hit my old neighborhood in Norman last night. The strange thing was, it was moving from SE to NW, they don't generally do that. The gods are angry, it must have something to do with gay marriage!

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